Chapter Eighteen

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Just like we predicted, the remaining Boneys that had attacked us have joined the others, and are relentlessly attacking the walls. The soldiers and all the humans, basically all of Dad's army is out there, fighting off the skeletons.

It is an all out war, and the sound of gunshots, growls and snapping bones is all that can be heard.

The corpses that were ahead of our group have reached the wall when we catch up, and have already attacked the unsuspecting Boneys from behind, taking them off one by one.

I almost laugh as I see the soldiers frozen in complete shock, watching the events unfold. I know what my dad and the other humans must be thinking; that the zombies have came to attack as well, and it was now the end for us.

And this is our cue.

"Ready?" I ask Z, who smirks at me.

"Hell yeah."

We are now only a short distance away from the wall, standing on the steep hill just a few metres away from the wall and entrance of the human enclave. This space that was once always empty, has now become a battlefield.

And now, with our various weapons in hand, we are ready and moving forward to attack. Just a week ago, if someone had told me that I would be fighting alongside the corpses when the final war of the apocalypse broke out, I would have laughed in your face. But now... not so much.

As soon as we join the rest of the zombies in attacking the Boneys, the humans have recovered from their shock and are fighting even harder. The Boneys look more and more scared now, finding no way to back out.

The soldiers finally have understood that the zombies do want to help, and have regained their fighting.

I along with Z and N charge into the crowd, a few Boneys lunging towards us. They were weakened from the fight now, and a few more blows later, we straight up killed most of them.

I picked up a crowbar from the grass and swung it at a Boney's skull, killing it. I flick my hair out of my eyes, looking around. The field was slowly emptying, the bodies of Boneys littering the ground.

I can already hear the triumpants shouts from the corpses who are already celebrating our victory.

"Harry!" I hear a familiar voice call my name, and I turn around in shock.

"Dad," I nod, who steps closer to me, surveying me.

"Thank God you're okay! What the hell were you thinking?! I thought that maybe you had a moment of confusion when you pulled the gun on me, but then by right hand man informs me you left with the corpse!" Dad seeths.

I take a deep breath, and match my Dad's gaze, his green eyes hard and calculating. "Because you won't fucking believe me! I'm sorry for pulling the gun on you but I had to make you believe! And- and Z, he means a lot to me, y-you just won't get it!"

Dad sighs in frustration, running a hamd through his hair. "Why don't you get it through your head that these things are not our friends! They--"

"Seriously Dad? What the hell do you think is going on here? I told you the corpses want to unite. They are turning human, and they want to help us kill those skeletons! Can't you see that?" I spit in frustration, thrusting my hand out to gesture to the field, where the evaporating dead bodies of the Boneys are littered around, and a few are still fighting.

"Son," Dad says firmly. "You listen to me and you listen good. I have had enough of your rebelling. No one knows those things better than I do. And they can never change. Those skeletons want to kill them, so the corpses are killing them. They have fucking none interest in helping us!"

I throw my hands up. "That's it. I give up. I'm done. I'm done convincing you," I spit, then level my gaze with my father's. "This apocalypse has taken our family, but that doesn't mean we turn a blind eye to anything good in the zombies. I know Z is different. I know he can change. They can change. And they are helping us because they want to, not because they fe--"

"Sir! The skeletons! They've arrived jn greater numbers!" Liam runs up to Dad. "T-the corpses are fighting the skeletons sir, so who do we kill?!"

Dad takes a deep breath. "Kill the skeletons, for now," he orders, and I've fucking had it!

"Dad, why are you acting so indifferent towards what I'm tr--"

"HARRY!" I hear a shriek, and I snap my attention to N who is running towards me. I glare back at Dad and run to N, who has a panicked look in his eye.

"Harry get back here!" Dad bellows, but I ignore him. I'm fucking done with him. Why does he refuse to accept the fact that the zombies are actually changing and want to help us? Even when they have joined forces with humans, even then the Colonel refuses to see the good in zombies because of his resentment.

As soon as I step out of the protective barrier of the human camp where I was talking to Dad, a Boney lunges towards me. I dodge its claw and then jam my crowbar in its ribs, twisting it.

I leave it inside the skeleton and finally reach N, panting. But I don't see Z with him. Shit!

"Z!" I yell as I frantically look around, but I can't see him anywhere. Fuck, he was right next to me when I'd talked to Dad!

"Z!" But my voice doesn't reach past the noise of growls and moans from the still fighting crowds.

"N! Where the hell is Z?" I demand, and N points in the direction of the fields.

"Z b-blacked out! I c-could not... wake him. I came to... g-get--"

"Shit where is he then?! You left him alone when he was unconsious?!" I growl, and N flinches. I shove him aside and frantically look around at the bodies of skeletons littered around but don't see any sign of--"

"Z!" I yell, and blindly take off after the fucking Boney dragging him through the fields and towards the small forest.

As I finally reach the unsuspecting skeleton who is sniffing Z's unconscious form, my heart lurches. What if he's dead? I thought zombies were immortal? Or were they already dead and couldn't die again?

I snap out of my thoughts and clutch a fist side rock by my feet, picking it up. Without much thought, I hurl it towards the Boneys head, which hits its back instead.

With a growl, the Boney twists back and looks around, but I move forward and further conceal myself in a tree.

And like a comedy scene from a movie, the Boney walks around the tree while I hide from it, and as soon as its behind the tree trunk, I hurriedly snatch Z uo bridal style without much effort, and take off into the forest, which is the only way I can go without being caugjt by the skeleton.

It of course sees me, and starts to catch up soon enough. "Fuck!" I look over my shoulder and curse, my feet stumbling over the uneven surface as I struggle with carrying Z in my arms. What even knocked him out?

The Boneys are soon snapping at my heels, and as soon as I make a sharp left through some trees, I momentarily lose them. I look around, panting heavily. With Z in my arms, I stagger forward a few more steps before I feel myself lose my footing.

Before I lose consciousness, I can hear the growling of Boneys very close, and that we are falling off a steep hill and into a deep ravine directly below.


[A/N] Cliff hanger! :O

Z got knocked out and Harry carried him bridal style *swoons*

But ugh! Stubborn Colonel Styles!

The story is about to end, as the ones who have matched the movie can tell. (I changed the ending a bit, from the diving into the water scene to a diving in the ravine scene haha)

Heartbeat [Zarry] [Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now