Chapter Nineteen

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We are finally fighting alongside the humans, who can now finally see that we are on their side, at least for now, to defeat a common enemy.

The Boney's numbers are slowly dwindling, and I keep fighting alongside N and Harry.

Harry smashes another Boney's skull, but then he freezes, looking into the distance. I see him walk towards the edge of the wall where patrol cars in barricades are set up.

I don't understand why Harry is walking over there, towards the humans. Before I can ask him, N shouts as he wrestles with a Boney.

I jump to his aid, but lose them in the crowd as they keep stagerring back.

"N!" I cry, furtively looking around for N and the Boney, but not seeing them. And nor Harry.

Before I can cast a look around to see if Harry or N are okay, I feel a crushing blow at the back of my head, that makes me stagger back in pain.

Pain. I'm still feeling pain.

I clutch my head but of course I don't bleed. I look around, but my vision is blurry. I hear a Boney cackle, and then another blow to my back sends me sprawling down on the ground.

The fight is still going on around us, the muffled sounds reach my ears as I lay my face on the grass.

I growl as a Boney sniffs me, and it growls back, bracing his bony hands around my head, as if to snap my neck.

I try to shout for Harry or N but I can't. My head throbs, and I know the Boney will snap my neck in seconds in I make another sound.

I finally succumb to the unfamiliar pain, moaning slightly as I feel myself losing consciousness.

I gasp in shock as I feel myself roughly dragged across the field. I hear someone shouting my name in the distance and the rustling of grass beneath my dragged body before I black out.


super short, i apologize, but we got zayn's point of view of how he blacked out

next chapter is the final faceoff, and will be a helluva long one p

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