Chapter Thirteen

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"Y-you sure about this?" N asks worriedly as I prepare to set out to my destination.

"Damn s-sure." This is a huge thing. We are changing. We are feeling again. Dreaming again. After all hope was lost, we are gaining it again. And I have to tell Harry, because all of this is happening because of him.

N nods. He knows this is important. He knows that we should at least try to convey this to the humans. And Harry is our only hope so far. Harry and I, we set something off in us all, and it's spreading fast. It's making us feel again, become human again in some ways.

And I guess the Boneys are not digging that. That's why they are after us all.

"Be careful," N murmurs, and engulfs me in a tight hug. I blink in shock for a few seconds, then hug my best friend's small frame back.

"Promise," I smile when we pull back, and ruffle N's hair. "And y-you give great hugs," I grin at N who chuckles cutely.

The other zombies moan at me, and I know they are trying to say best of luck. I send a smile towards them all, and start towards my journey- to the human enclave.

Hope to God I don't get shot in the head.


I exit the train station and keep walking past the field on the empty, winding dirt path. I know that this is the direction of the human dominated part of the city and the protective barrier or wall, because I have been 'til there sometimes. Normally, I don't hunt there though. Simply because I am not a brainless idiot and I don't want to get shot by aghressive humans.

But I sure look like a brainless idiot roght now when i'm willingly walking straight into human territory.

It's still drizzling, and I can't stop my teeth from chattering. Ugh, I am really hating these human side effects. Do humans always feel these littlest of things? Don't these bother them? But I guess I shouldn't complain. I'm getting to feel again, when all hope was lost.

I huff out a sigh of relief when the abandoned human part of the city comes into view, along with the grey erected wall in the distance. I warily shuffle towards it's premises, cautiously stepping foot. I know these humans are sneaky, and I have to be even sneakier.

I have a wonderful weapon to aid me. Dustin's memories. I sift in my head through all the memories I have gained, and then recall the designated one.

The one in which Harry showed Dustin the secret way out of the wall, when they had crossed the wall to come search for Dustin's father. Harry had shown him a secret path to get to the other side through the alleyways, and then the subway station. Past a heavy door, and down some trap stairs.

I follow those exact same directions, and soon enough, I find myself amidst the human enclave. I pull my hood and keep my head down as I weave between people, trying to spot the houses. I gasp as the patrol cars pass me, and I shrink into an alleyway, pressing myself against the grimy wall.

I sigh when they pass, and proceed to jog towards the houses lined with dimly lit street lights. I keep my senses on high alert, and I am going to have to depend on my keen sense of smell, 'cause let's face it... Harry's smell is the one that's engraved in my mind.

Okay, Z. There you go. Start being creepy again. No wonder Harry ran away in the first place.

I keep walking past houses, squinting my eyes at the doors and the balconies, trying to spot Harry.  Thia hopeless. It's dark. and he xould live anywhere. How am I going to find-

The wind blows past, ruffling up the leaves on the trees and knocking the hood off my head. I panic and pull it back over my head, but freeze when the unmistakable scent of his cologne enters my nose.

Heartbeat [Zarry] [Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now