Who Am I To Say No?

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1077 Words

Fluff Level: 3.0  Smut Level: 0.0 Angst  Level: 0.0


Living near a theme park, you would think that Castiel visits there often – but having limited money makes that a problem, so when his slightly-older brother Gabriel, invites him to go out to the park with him he is reluctant to decline.

The majority of the day goes off without a hitch, but just after the two brothers had lunch, while walking past one of the amusement parks, Cas hears a loud girl yell "Look out!" He looks around, trying to see what the fuss is about. Being in such a small park, there isn't often much to be looking out for.

As he looks towards the ride, a heavy but small object smacks into the side of his head shocking him, and knocking him over slightly. He falls over and Gabriel, being Gabriel, manages to move out of the way and almost in slow motion Cas sees himself falling onto the hard concrete floor of the theme park – but before that can happen he is caught by someone.

Before he can see his savior, he blacks out.

When he comes too, he hears yelling and although still disorientated, he manages to sit up – after realizing he is on a bench not far from where he blacked out.

When he manages to gain control of his head he looks up and tries to see where the yelling is coming from and sees Gabriel in a heated argument with two men. One, was very tall – holy shit he is really tall – and had brown hair reaching just above his shoulders. The second man, had a similar face shape to the other – and after some realization Cas found they must be brothers – and was only slightly shorter than the other man. After some time, while still getting over his headache, he studied the second man and saw that he had very green-eyes. There was no way to describe what type of green.

Forest green? Fan-fiction green?

Gabe's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Cassie? Cassie, bro? How you feeling?"

The volume of his voice sent my head into another painful death and I squinted my eyes trying to keep it at bay, when I realized to two guys had gone – I paid it no mind, I'll ask later I thought

"Fuck off Gabe, you know I hate that nickname. How do you think I am feeling? I got attacked by a flying object... What was that by the way?"

At the mention of the flying object Gabe rolled his eyes and replied "It was a shoe, Cassie. Must of came off someone on the ride"

I looked away from Gabe for a second and the remembered about the guys he was arguing with.

"Who were the guys?"

"Guys?" Gabe's eyes turned anywhere but me "What guys?"

"Gabe, I'm not an idiot, but you are an awful liar. You know what guys I mean."

Gabe sighed, and he looked at the empty spot on the bench next to me.

"The blonde dude, green eyes? He was the one who caught you when the shoe hit you and you blacked out."

I nodded, but then cocked my head and squinted my eyes – not because of the headache.

"Then why were you arguing? I need to thank him!" I tried to stand up but then found that the pain in my head came back again, so I sat back down.

"Look Cassie-"

"Don't call me Cassie."

"-He just wanted to make sure you were ok and he offered to get you a drink-"

"How is that a bad thing?"

"-But I said no because you had blacked out and he hadn't caught you quick enough-"

"What the fuck Gabe? At least he caught me!"

"-And if he had been quicker you wouldn't have blacked out in the first place. But then-"

I angrily rolled my eyes and pushing through my possible-concussion I got up and smacked him on the shoulder. "You fucking idiot – at least he caught me! You just moved out of the way, not to mention he was hot! I could have gotten laid!" I snapped.

He just looked at me for a second before bursting out into laughter, while I stood there just looking confused – what a strange scene it would have been to come across. It wasn't until a deep chuckle came from behind me that I understood why he was laughing at me.

"Laid huh?" The same deep voice said from behind me.

I turned bright red before turning around to meet the same green-eyes I saw before. Shit.

"Uh- I- I. Ha, y-you see, well – Um." I just ended up stuttering a lot more before sitting back down on the bench and putting my face in my hands, trying to hide my embarrassment.

I heard him chuckle a bit more before lightly sitting next to me on my bench, I don't know when it became my bench, and saying "Well, I wouldn't mind getting laid but I would have to ask for your number first – and maybe dinner beforehand."

I took my still-very-red face out of my hands and looked at him in shock. Gabe was still laughing so I looked at him in confusion, after a minute or two he managed to get himself under control and that's when I saw that green-eyes brother was there too. "What I was going to say Cassie, before you ranted was, -but then Deano here was consistent with the fact that he was going to get you a drink whether I liked it or not, and that when you woke up he was going to take you out, whether you liked it or not."

I blushed and looked at 'Deano?' before looking down at the floor. He just chuckled again and from the corner of my eye I saw him shuffle about slightly before putting his hand out. Still looking at the floor I shook his hand and he said "Hi, the names Dean – that's my brother Sam. What's your name gorgeous?"

A smile took over and I giggled before telling him "Uh, Castiel"

"Well. Castiel – can I call you Cas? – I would like to take you on a date and then maybe you can get laid. What do you say?"

I giggled again, before nodding my head.

"Well – If I can get laid who am I to say no?"

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