Girl meets demon hunter

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A/N: Just noticed that the mobile version doesn't seem to show italics; which sucks, because this story shows thoughts in italics (I also use it for emphasis). I recommend using the desktop version, or reading it in the app. If not, if it switches to first person/present tense, then it's showing someone's thoughts.

Chapter one

Life in London isn’t as glamorous as it seems. People talk about red busses, and big Ben, and the London eye; but nobody mentions prices, nobody mentions the pollution, and nobody mentions how damn rude and selfish everybody is. Ruby Renson had moved down south after giving up on her attempt at an acting career, again, nowhere near as glamorous as it’s made out. After fulfilling all of the boring quests, like finding an apartment and getting a job, she realised exactly how dull the city actually was. It was like some kind of giant wheel, going round and round and round, never stopping, just passing the same spots over and over again.

“So, are you planning to rejoin the world, or just stare into space for the next three hours?” Martin’s voice cut Ruby’s daze like a knife through butter. She hastily stood up straight, and shook her head from side to side, clearing the daydream.

“Sorry, I was miles away. You were saying?” She added a smile for effect; ever the charmer.

“I was saying that maybe it’s about time you moved closer to work. I can’t be dealing with you showing up late every day. We’re understaffed, and you can’t blame it on the trains every time you show up half an hour late.” Martin had his hands on his hip, and a frown on his face, trying his ‘firm yet friendly’ routine.

Ruby worked at a bar, 15 miles from her apartment. She’d tried to find closer living accommodations, but nothing had taken to her liking. She liked her current apartment, it had everything she needed; low rent, sizable, and close to her family. So when her boss, Martin, had tried to persuade her (countless times) to move closer, she used the same response every time.

“I will! I’m still looking.” She doubted she’d every find a place. It was like she wanted to find things wrong with potential apartments.

Martin sighed, and patted her on the shoulder, and walked away. The words “So you keep saying” following him out of the room.

Ruby went back to collecting glasses, avoiding the flirtatious comments from the middle aged men that she passed. The truth was, she was an attractive girl, she got that, people found her attractive. Slim built, blonde haired nineteen year olds usually are found attractive; her pretty face didn’t hurt her image either. But sometimes, it got very old. After so many wolf whistles, winks, and grabs for her ass, her responses became much less friendly. Not only was she severely not interested, she also had a boyfriend. Sometimes that wasn’t enough, and Frank, the bouncer had to be called in.

The men were mostly well behaved today, only one man staring at her for longer than she’d liked, but she could deal with that. After collecting the last glass, she returned to the bar, and placed the glasses on the side, before wiping down the surfaces. The sound of someone clearing their throat broke her out of yet another boredom induced daze.

She turned around, coming face to face with a younger man, mid twenties, if she had to make a guess.

“Hi, what can I get you?” Ruby said.

The man had short; brown styled her, and looked very well built. Ruby approved. On closer inspection, she saw stubble, green eyes, and a cross on a chain around his neck. His bottom lip was a little swollen, and he looked like he was recovering from a black eye. He’d obviously been in a fight recently. He grinned, and cleared his throat again.

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