Two's company...

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Chapter 9

“So, how do we get in? I mean, we can’t exactly squeeze through the bars...” Ruby said, before tapping a knuckle against the vertically impressive gate.

“Wasn’t planning on it.” Rogue replied, pointing her thumb behind her to the intercom.

Ruby folded her arms and leaned against the gate. “Yeah, and what are you gonna say? ‘Hey, I’m a vampire hunter, mind if I come in for a bit?’”

“I like you.” Rogue replied.

“ me?”

Rogue mirrored Ruby’s stance and leaned against the gate with her, so that they were facing each other. “Yeah, I really do. You’re like this sassy bad girl trapped inside the body of an innocent nineteen year old. It’s extremely sexy.”

Ruby raised an eye brow at her comment; she wasn’t entirely sure how to respond.

Flattered? I would be if it didn’t feel like the most she’s interested in is sex. But then...why should I care? I’m not her girlfriend...why should she feel any sense of obligation to me?

Earth to Ruby. You like Rogue. She’s flirting with you. Stop overcomplicating things and flirt back.

“Sassy bad girl, huh?” Meh, it’s a start.

Rogue smirked. “Yeah. I bet you bite during sex.”

Ruby laughed at the comment; well, actually, it was more like an awkward snort, which she mentally kicked herself for.

“Well, er, I guess that’s for me to know, and you to find out.”

As soon as she saw the surprise on Rogue’s face, she realised exactly what she’d said. Her hand immediately shot up to cover her mouth, and her entire face went bright red.

“No! I meant-“

Rogue was quick to interrupt. “Nope! You said it! No take backs!”

This made Ruby snort awkwardly again (Urgh. The life of a nineteen year old, eh?). “What are you, twelve?”

Rogue chuckled lightly. “Nah, I’m far too steeped in images of you naked to be twelve.”

“You don’t even know what I look like naked!”

“I have an excellent imagination.” Rogue winked.

Ruby shook her head. She wasn’t sure why she put up with Rogue’s remarks; if it were a guy saying those things, she wouldn’t tolerate it. So why did Rogue being a woman make it alright?

I’d like to think it’s because there’s no threat of sex between us, but can I even say that with a straight face anymore?

Fucking life.

“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” Rogue’s voice pulled Ruby out of her internal debate.

She sighed to herself before shaking her head and looking at the girl opposite her.

“What is this?” She asked, motioning her hand between the two of them.

Rogue raised an eye brow. “A mission? Hunting?”

“Not that. I mean this. Us. What are we to each other? And please, for my sake, give me a straight answer.”

Rogue sighed, before smiling a little at the blonde. She knew this was coming, of course it was coming. But quite frankly, she didn’t expect it outside of a vampire hideout.

Rogue of Exodus (Girl x Girl)Where stories live. Discover now