Second coming

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Chapter 2

Ruby woke the next morning to the sound of her alarm clock; she quickly swatted the button, and then dragged herself into a sitting position. She stretched her arms above her head and let out a satisfying yawn.

She quickly looked around the room, causing the events of last night came back to her.

“Vampires...” Ruby groaned, before falling back onto her pillow. After a good ten minutes dwelling on her strange encounter, she finally dragged herself out of bed, and towards her wardrobe. “Urgh, Martin is going to kill me.”

After getting ready, Ruby hurried towards the train station, silently begging that the trains would be early for once. When she got there, the station was practically empty, which was very strange for this time of the day.

 Did that mean she’d missed her train? No, she couldn’t have, it was still relatively early for her.

Curiously, she walked up to a woman sat on one of the benches.

“Excuse me, has the train arrived yet?”

The woman turned and smiled at her. “No train running on this stand today, love.”

“What? Why?”

“Well, I was just speaking to that man over there,” She pointed to a man on the second platform. “And he said that someone was murdered on one of the trains last night! Stabbed, right through his heart, he was!”

Ruby wanted to scream; of course the train wasn’t running! She politely excused herself, and walked out of the train station. Her walk home was relatively quick, and she immediately grabbed her phone, and dialled Martin’s mobile.

“Hello? Hi. The thing is, I’m gonna be a bit late- you’ve heard? Oh, I see... Not really, I can’t afford a cab right now. Ok, thanks. I am sorry, I know, thanks Martin. Speak to you tomorrow, bye.” Ruby fell back onto her chair.

What happened to my life? When did vampires become a valid reason for missing work?

Ruby reached into her pocket, and pulled out the piece of paper with the Hunter’s number on it. She absent mindedly played with it as she pondered her options; was she seriously considering calling her?

This is madness. I don’t know if it was some prank gone wrong, a dream, or if I’m actually losing my mind, but there is absolutely no way I saw a vampire last night. Ruby closed her eyes, and breathed out slowly. Ok, so, here are the facts: he had fangs, he was strong, and fast...and durable. Ruby groaned noisily. But...How? She opened her eyes and looked at the paper; guess there’s only one way to find out.


“Hello?” Rogue answered her phone after the third ring, she didn’t dare hope it was who she thought it was.

“Hi. Erm...” The voice was feminine, and nervous; Rogue recognised it instantly. “Is this...Rogue? Pink hair?”

“Why is that the first thing people remember? What about my stunning good looks? My charming personality?”

The voice chuckled nervously. “It’s me, the girl from last night, on the train.”

Rogue smiled, and responded casually. “So, you made up your mind?”

“Straight to business, huh?”

“Where are my manners, I haven’t even asked your name.”

“Ruby. Ruby Renson.”

Rogue mulled the name over in her head. “Well then, Ruby, how about it?”

“I want answers.”

Rogue of Exodus (Girl x Girl)Where stories live. Discover now