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"So you're absolutely sure you'll be able to take care of them?"

"Sis, calm down, they'll be fine. They trust me."

"And you'll be sure to watch over the eggs with Mom, right?"

"Yes yes yes! You've asked me this a thousand times already! Just get going, or you'll miss the boat!"

"I just need to say one final goodbye."

"Mom wanted you to make it quick."

"It will be! Just... Leave me alone for a moment, okay?"


As her brother left their backyard for a few minutes, the girl took a Poké Ball off of her belt and threw it up in the air, allowing the Pokémon inside to come out.

"Hey... You're one of the harder ones to understand that I'm leaving, huh...?"

The Pokémon turned its head from her and crossed its arms, as if in frustration, but there was sadness in its eyes.

"C'mon, buddy. I promise I'll be okay... And when I get to see you all again, we'll go on a big adventure. It'll just be for fun, what do you say?"

The Pokémon seemed to smile just a little bit and it nodded.

"Good! I'll see you when I get back."

She hugged the Pokémon tightly, melting into their warm embrace. She had an amazing connection to her Pokémon.

"I'll see you later, buddy..." She whispered one final time before the Pokémon was sent back into its Poké Ball, and she had to take off her belt.

"Lucas!! I'm done! Come get my belt!!"

"On my way!!"

A younger girl, about age 7, ran out from the house and practically tackled the older girl into a hug.

"Big Sister!!" She cried, "Don't leave just yet!"

"I have to, Eve. If I don't, I'll miss my boat. You know I need to catch it."


The older girl kneeled down and placed her hand on her younger sister's shoulder.

"Evelyn, I promise you that I will be fine. I'll come back eventually. Don't worry."

"M-Maybe we could come with you!! Or we could buy a house down there!!"

"No, you need to stay here and take care of the Pokémon, and make sure Lucas doesn't mess up with any of them."

The younger girl's face brightened up immediately and she nodded.


As soon as they were finished talking, the rest of their family walked outside to bid farewell to their eldest daughter. Her mother had a sad smile, her father looked at her with pride, her brother had a smug grin on his face, and her sister had the same happy grin on her face, but they all really would miss her.

"I love you all," The girl said, "Take care of them for me, and take care of yourselves."

"We will!" The family chimed together.

"Alright. Then I'm off."

With those words to her family, the girl set off to a boat that would take her to the new region she had never been to before.

"Look out, Almia," She laughed softly as she ran to the boat, "Here comes your newest Ranger-to-be!"

((A/N: Prologue sucked but whatever. It's from the first copy of this... :p okay please read the description before continuing))


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