Chapter 2 - Outdoor Class -

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"Can you believe it?" Alice wrote as she listened to Ms. April teach, "It's been a month since I came here!" She quickly passed the note to Keith while keeping her head faced forward. She had always been good at multitasking, so she had learned, from Keith, how to pass a note undetected. Unfortunately, it was a bad habit that she probably shouldn't have gotten into.

"I know right?" Keith wrote back, "Time flies when you're having fun!"

He passed it back to her. She grinned as she read it and was about to write something back when Ms. April started to walk back over to the front finger desk, so Alice quickly hid the note in her pocket.

"What day is it, class?" Ms. April asked, smiling.

"OUTDOOR CLASS!" The entire class chimed.

"Didja really think we'd forget?" Keith laughed.

"Ms. April!" Rhythmi called out, "Keith told me he thought of 38 questions to ask the Ranger."


Ms. April only laughed, "That doesn't surprise me. It is Keith we're talking about."

The class laughed as Keith's face turned a bright red.

"We're only teasing ya, Keith," Alice laughed, nudging the boy next to her.

"Anyways, clears head outside everyone! Remember, we gather in Ascension Square."

While the rest of their class got up and ran out the door, the trio of friends waited. As they stood up, Keith did a fist pump in the air, yelling "Yahoo!! I've waited so long for Outdoor Class!"

Before the two girls could reply, the boy practically bolted out the door.

"He seriously just said 'Yahoo'..." Rhythmi sighed, "He's nuts..."

"Yeah," Alice agreed, "But that's why he's our friend."

They laughed at the joke until their sides hurt.

"Well, I gonna catch up with him, if you don't mind."

"Nah, go on ahead, Rhyth. I'll be fine. Besides, I can tell you're super excited."

She watched as Rhythmi's eyes practically lit up. "Thanks Alice!" Rhythmi quickly took off after their friend.

"My friends seriously are the best..." Alice laughed as she walked out of the classroom. "Huh... It took just two people to change my personality up a bit..."

She walked out into the schoolyard, loving the silence it seemed to always have.

"This is nice..." She murmured and walked over to the stairs that would take her to Ascension Square, and found Keith and Rhythmi waiting for her.

"C'mon Alice!" Keith yelled, clearly looking impatient, "Outdoor Class is about to start!"

"I think the Ranger's here already..." Rhythmi added.

"Yeah! And he has a huge Afro!"

Alice laughed, "Okay, let's head down there."

The three of them walked down the stairs and joined the circle of their classmates. In the center stood a brunette haired Ranger, and like Keith had said, he had a huge Afro.

"It seems that everyone is with us," Principal Lamont said, turning to face the Ranger, "Let's get Outdoor Class started! This is Crawford, he's a graduate of this school and a Ranger in Vientown."

"Hey students!" Crawford greeted, "Nice to meet you all!"

"Thank you for coming!" The students replied.

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