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Top image of Jayson

Erin started crying, Jay stared at me.

Jay started walking towards me. "DONT! I mean, please, I don't want to get you infected." I begged. He looked surprised, but nodded, and slowly backed up.

The male walked towards me, and pointed the gun at me. "Leave now, or I will shoot." Before I could do any thing, Em stared moving underneath me.

"What's happening?" He asked groggily. The make explained everything that just happened, and Em got up to comfort Air, staring daggers at me.

I took a deep breath, and said, "I should go." "NO!!" Screamed Jay and Air. "She should just die. That way she won't kill anyone. She's a danger to us all." We all looked at Em in surprise.

"M-maybe I should. All be dead anyway..." I said shakily. "No! You can't." Yelled Air.

"She made he-" the male was cut off by Jay. "Maybe she can stay with us, and when she, uh, you know, we can... help her.." We all knew what he meant.

He meant kill me, since it would be helping me. The man shrugged, and said "as long as you don't touch her."

They nodded, and the two people just walked away. Tears slowly started trickling down my cheeks, and I said, "common, we need to find a place to stay."

We all nodded, and we started walking away. Air went to step next to me, but Em pulled her back and whispered something to her, causing her to look back and study me, then turn back around and continued walking.

Jay came in step with me and we started talking to each other.

"So is he always like that?" I asked him. "N-no. It's not l-like him." He whispered. I nodded, and looked to my left, sad.

In the distance I saw what looked like a metal house, but a bit bigger. "Hey guys! Over hear!" I called and started running towards it. Foot steps behind me told me they were following me.

We got to the house and quickly entered. It has everything we needed, Including food, water, soap, and seven bunk beds. "I CALL TOP!" Screamed Air and ran to the first bed, climbing the latter and laying down.

Em shrugged and laid underneath her on the bed on the floor. Jay took the bottom bed across from them.

"You know, maybe I should sleep over hear, away from you guys." Not waiting for anyone to say something, I went to the last be that was on Jays side and climbed to the top bunk.

Looking at my hands, I noticed how pale I was then to my normal tanned skin. So I was infected.

Sighing, I laid down and closed my eyes, wishing we could go before this started, before I was infected, before Bella died, before getting on that bus, and just knowing what to do and what was going to happen.

My stomach growled, and everyone looked at me, seeing what I was gonna do.

I was craving brains.

JK!! Nope, just wanted to scare you! She's not going down.... Yet

I was craving pizza.

Getting down from the bed, everyone shuffled back, thinking I was going after them.

That's the thing. Shouldn't I be going after them?

Walking to where the mini fridge that someone had put hear, I looked in it.

No pizza.

Instead I grabbed an apple that was put on hear to most likely stay fresh.

Munching on the apple, I remembered we didn't lock the doors, and walked over to them.

As I passed my friends, they scooted away from me. "Shouldn't you eat, you know, meat?" Asked Em.

"I guess so, I've always been a vegetarian, but since I'm infected, that should not matter. Maybe it takes different times to turn people in different people?" I ask, mainly to myself.

I look at the door, and notice a lock. Rushing back to the kitchen, I remember seeing a key.

Grabbing it, I run back to the door and try it. I sigh as it makes a clicking noise, and take the key out, putting on the table.

"Make sure the door is always locked. People will want we have." I say. They all nod, and a sudden wave of tiredness comes over me.

Walking back to my bed, I quickly climb the latter and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.

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