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Top image of Emit

I stared at her. Emit shrugged and actually added it. He looked through the microscope then the one with the real zombie blood and gasped.

He looked up at Air and said "your a fucking genius."

"Oh course I am, what you think I'm a dumbass?" She asks him with the straitest face. "What's with you and asses?" Emit shoots back, earning a smirk from Air.

Wait, if we have the zombie virus and know how it's made, then can't we make the cure? We just have to reverse the virus.

Ignoring every one else in the room and there questioning stares, I open back up my lap top.

Let's see, human blood and zombie blood, then sugar the body creates and you have a zombie, but how was the first zombie made?

I sigh, frustrated. I look over at the zombie blood we made. Looking through the scope, I study every detail.

Then going to the original blood, I noticed a slight difference between the two.

Humming a tune I don't recall, I type down the difference between the two.

Now I need to hack into the military data bace. Ten minutes later I'm in. Distant voice come to my ears, but I ignore them, instead checking out a file called ZA DISGUISE.

stage one of disease, patient ones gone brain dead.

stage two of disease, patient one dose not re-awaken.

                   Patient one lost

Thinking about what patient one lost means I cringe. Must of died. A small voice in the back of my head whispers.

Shivering slightly, I turn around and clear my voice, successfully getting there attention.

"After looking at the two bloods, I noticed a slight difference. So I hacked into the military's data bace a-" I get caught of guard by Em screaming "YOU DID WHAT!!! HOW!!!" "It was hard but I did it, now shut the fuck up and let me finish."

He quickly nods and i continue.

"I saw a file called ZA DISGUISE and checked it out. I'm pretty sure that's how the Zombie virus started." I finish and show then the file.

When there done, I print out the whole file. After printing I look at the last page and read it out loud.


Stage one of disease, patient 873 goes brain dead.

stage two of disease, patient 873 st- comes back to life!!!

stage three of disease, patient 873 starts to kilhshgxhgcbjzh

It sounds like the patient went and killed the man or woman writing, causing there head to hit the keyboard." I finish.

"So that would mean that the military started the Apocalypse." Whispers Jay.

"But why?" Wonders Em out loud.

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