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( warning: there will be a bit of religious stuff on this chapter, so skip over if you want.)
A buzzing noise woke me up. Sitting up, I look around and notice the walls covered in blood, my friends mangled copses laying in a bloodied heap. A strangled cry escapes my lips as I rush to them, running into a wall of flys feasting on the gore. I feel something dripping down my chin and bring my fingers up. They meet liquid, and when I pull my hand away, I look at my friends blood and my saliva.

"N-no!" I scream, the idea dawning on me that I did this, i could not control my beast. "WHY, WHY, WHY!!!!" I scream bloody murder, not caring about the undead wandering the mall. They probably will ignore me anyway. I'm one of them after all.

Thick tears roll down my cheeks as I stare at the gory reality sitting in front of me. Voices, whispers enter my ears. What are they saying? "Zamila, Zamila, Zamila." It's Emit and Jayson And Erin! "STOP, STOP KILLING ME!!" I scream at the voices. They only get louder with my pleas, and suddenly all I see is black.
I sit up strait, gasping for breath my lungs need so badly. Looking around, I see the faces of my friends staring at me wide eyed. "Are you ok?" Ask Erin, going to touch my shoulder. I jerk to the left before she can touch me though. "I think I'm gonna go look around..." I whisper, putting on my sweater, satchel, hat, and grab two knives.

Leaving the small store, I look up and down the hallway, looking for any life, er, death. There's a tiny stench of rotten flesh, but it seems to be far away. I start walking to the left, careful to keep my steps light. I reach into my satchel, grabbing my Chapstick and rub it on a cut I got a day ago. You might think that weird, but try it. It actually helps

Putting the bottle into my bag, I start playing with my knives. I know, never play with knives, but it keeps me occupied and unbored, if that's even a word.

As I turn a corner, I let out a gasp as I run into something, or more like someone. Gasping, I look up, my eyes finding bright green eyes. I back up quickly, pointing my knives at him. "How are your eyes like a zombies......?" He asks, looking wary. "Are you alone or with a group?" I respond with a question. "Alone." He replies. "Got any weapons?" "No, I'm lucky to have survived this far. Met group was cornered, but I was out looking for food so I got away." I nod, feeling sorry for him.

"Where you bit, scratched, or got blood in your mouth, eyes, or an open cut?" I ask, still wary. He lets out a humorless laugh before saying, "if a was infected, I would have asked you to stab my brains out as soon as I met you. Are you infected though? You got the same eyes as infected." He says, squinting at me.

"Good choice, and no. Well, we don't know. I got infected a month ago, and my group kicked me out. Just met up with them last night. Also, don't worry. I'm vegetarian." I try to smile, but I bet it comes out as a grimace. His eyes light up when I mention I have a group, and I wonder if he might be able to join. I open my mouth to ask if he'd like to come with us, but a scream rips through the air. I look down at him slightly, and he nods.

I take off in the direction or the scream, him hot on my trail. When we get to the person screaming, I let out a chocked sob. Jay, Air, and Emit are killing zombies wail Gabe lays on the floor, blood trickling and staining the floor from his neck. I give one knife to the dude, and he quickly goes to work killing the infected, wail I walk to Gabe. Leaning down, I look into his wide eyes, that did not close when he died. Taking a deep breath, I bring my arms up, the knife firm in my grip, and then bring it down on his head so he doesn't turn.

I quickly get up and help with the rest of the infected, and by the time where done, where all sweating slightly and are panting. Me and my group exchange a glance before picking up the dead and putting them in a pile in a corner so we can put them but a door later.

I turn around and look at new dude, who is watching us silently. "Names Zamila. That badass girl over there is Erin, the dude who's scowling at me is Emit, and the guy that won't look up is Jayson. And you are?" I asks. "My name is Alexander, but you can call me Alex for short."

Everyone agreed to letting Alex in our little surviving group. Know where sitting in the perfume shop, thinking about if we should bury Gabes sister. "I'm Russian Catholic, so I would really like if we can bury both of them. It will feel like things are at least a bit normal still." Alex suggests. We all nod, and I go to the toy store to get Gabes sister, who I just learned that her name is Scarlet.

Reaching the shop, I quickly scoop her body into my arms before moving to where we where gonna meet up. I find them there already, and we quickly head out. We had cleared the area right after taking care of the infected inside, and we went the the side of the mall, that for some reason was grassy. Emit had dug up holes after the infected where killed, and me and and Erin quickly buried then bodies. "Uh, at funerals I always sang in church choir. Mind if I do.......?" Erin asks shyly.

Jayson and Emit look surprised, but I knew abounds this already, and Alex didn't know enough about us to know how strange it is.

"Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight

Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing "Alleluia"!

Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light

Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace

Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth

Silent night, holy night
All is calm and all is bright

Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace"

"That was amazing." Jayson, Alex, and Emit say at the same time, looking dumbfounded. They where right. When she sang, her voice sounded like silk.

I look up, wondering, is there really a god looking at us? If so, hes doing the worst job of keeping humanity safe.

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