Junior year begins!!!!!!

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"Bang!" the shit went off in his head he woke up from the same dream sweating and breathing heavy his alarm went off. playing Tupac "I get around" he got up out of bed and stretched his body out making his way to the bathroom singing along to the song. He grabbed the soap and started showering. while rapping " knock knock!!!" his father did a hard pound to his bathroom door. "Boy! If you don't stop making all that noise people in her trying to sleep nigga!!! " he yelled at his son."How people supposed to sleep with you and all this raising yo voice " his son said under his breath. "what did you say to me boy!" his father heard him talk under his breath. "Nothing sir" he answered "That's what I thought and Zack should be here in 40 minutes you better be dressed and ready by that time you hear me?" his father added. "Yes" James answered as if he didn't give a fuck. he finally got out of the shower ironed his clothes put them on with his true blue 1s (Jordan's) grabbed his beats (headphones) headed out the door. He waited in the front yard for Zack to pull up. He had just transferred to "redline senior high" with Twan. speaking of Twan he was running across the street to James on the phone early in the Morning. "Really man it's 6:30 in the morning and yall on the phone already?!" James said taking of his beats looking at Twan as if he was crazy. "Hold on bae" Twan said putting her on mute "Man we just back on good terms after Saturday night man" he said "So I ain't messing that up " he added putting the phone back to his ear. "You her bitch I know yo phone bill high as hell how much you two talk on the phone all day." James laughed. Twan threw him the birdie mouthing "fuck you" James laughed at him. Then Zack rolled up I'm the car which the speakers thumping as ever loud playing future "honest" waking up everyone. He stopped the car in front of them rolled down the window and turned the music down slightly. "Get in y'all boys" he said sounding doped up. the boys got in the car "Man you smoking already" James asked realizing how low Zack eyes looked. "Wake and bake that's what I live by" Zack laughed clapping up Twan in the back. Twan laughed while on the phone."Idiots " James muttered. Zack turned the music back up and took off to Redline. When they made it there Zack parked right in the school parking lot and parked right next to Juwon car. They got out of the car and walked to the front to see everyone they knew on the patio. They sat at one of the tables and chilled then came up Juwon & Darius. They all began to clap each other up talking about how fucked up everybody was at the party. All of a sudden Zacks phone went off he grabbed it to see Jada's face pop up on the screen "Man look this broad calling me" he showed James "Man she cuffed bra leave her alone" James advised him "plus....." before James could finish Zack had answered "Zack!!!! come here in the back I miss you" she said over the phone. He turned around smiled and got up and headed to the back Where she sat. " Hey Jada" he smiled taking a seat next to her."Hey baby!! I missed you " Jada smiled back at him. "lol I'm not yo nigga ya man Key is" he laughed "Stop playing you know you my boo" she winked at him "lies" he smirked " I can show you better than I can tell you" she whispered in his ear." How you gonna show me" Zack looked at her as if she was joking. "Follow me then." she said getting up and walking towards building 1. Zack laughed to himself and thought "What am I getting myself into" and followed her to the building. She walked up the step slowly and Zack followed the sway of her hips go from left to right. Leading him all the way to the third floor and to a room 1328 an abandon room that the door stayed open for CSI. She opened the door grabbed Zacks hand and walked him in "This where you take yo nigga huh" Zack asked "Shut up!" she got close to him giving him a kiss. " Jada you don't wanna go and this man" Zack told her trying to back up.".Zack stop you know you want this" she said placing his hands on her ass he grabbed as they started to kiss."Man the bell bout to ring" he tried to make an excuse. " I don't care she said beginning to kiss him" meanwhile downstairs. Key and NWA was walking around the patio he went over to James and clapped him up." Yo James you seen Jada? " he asked James in the back of his head knowing Jada and Zack took off to the first building. W lied "nah I ain't see her key" "oh Alright" he said walking off with his crew." booooop" the five minute warning bell went off alerting the boys it was time for class. The boys went to the big board for juniors to see the homeroom/first period turns out all the boys first period was together so they headed out to Ms.Moultrie room 1201 when they arrives the bell had rung which meant all students should be in class. "Dang look at her ass" Juwon said in amazement. "whew!!!! God damn" James added " look at the thighs on her" Darius smiled they sat in the back and looked at all the girls who were sitting before them. "Damn all the babies in here." Darius looked at every girl in class." Excuse me children" the teacher. the all quieted down it was obvious her beauty had an effect on the classroom. She explained her whole class went over rules and requirements. she took roll and noticed that two students were missing "Zachary Witherspoon and Jada Hall has anyone seen them" she asked soon as she announced their names they slipped in the room " Rught here" Jada rose her hand. Zack came in a minute later. James looked at Zack and Jada knowing they had been up to know good. Jada and Zack talked the whole class. While everyone tried to hit on the teacher until the bell rung. Later on in the day it was time for lunch and everyone was talking about anything people were cool. The lines were deep for chicken and pizza. James had linked up with Krystal and Brianna at a lunch Booth in the cafeteria. "What's good girls" James said walking up to them "Hey James" Krystal said. He sat down with him "where my friend? at" Krystal smiled "he told me he transferred here at the party" Krystal she smile widened "he somewhere around here." James began to look around the cafeteria to see it was full of kids."well I miss him" Krystal whined. James and Brianna looked at each other than looked at her as if she was a joke."Girl you just met him the other night" Brianna pointed out " it's called love Brianna" Krystal said batting her eyes all dramatic "But didnt you just cut of Cam wasn't that so called love" James brung up. Brianna laughed with James about what he said "James fuck you" Krystal said going from happy to aggravated in a second. "Girl calm down we just playing" she put up her hands which she always used to talk they would go up and down back and forth side to side. " changing subject what is up with you and these hands moving everywhere" he joked she rolled her eyes and paid her attention back to Krystal."booooop" the bell rung. "well last period of the day let's get it over with " James got up from the Booth said bye to the girls and headed off to his last period. the last period went by so fast after the bell rung and school was over every and anybody was taking pictures with friends all you would hear is 'oh girl you look cute" and "yasss bitch we look good " after that little phase everyone headed to corner store. the boys Juwon, James, Zack, Darius & Twan began walking on the Sidewalk over there. " nigga just got out of school and he is already back on the phone" James tapped Juwon showing him Twan was caked up. " get off the phone!" Juwon shouted directly in Twans ear. Twan mushed Juwon away from him into the road. Juwon quickly threw his set as if he was gonna slapbox Twan. But Twan paid him no attention as he kept talking on the phone with his girl. "Oh that's what I thought you don't this pressure boy!!" Juwon said putting his set down. Daruis did the usual and rapped to an instrumental on his pipe (phone). They arrived and posted up on the side of the store. chilling hollering at the girls like they usually do. NWA had walked by and Jada was on Keys arm smiling. Her and Zack made eye contact for about two seconds. When kewayne had clapped up Twan and James he had spit on the floor and said "fuck ass billz niggas" and walked off Darius quickly peeped and took of his headphones and rage filled his eyes "what that boy said" he asked Twan and James. "Chill b you know that boy run his mouth all day" Twan tried to reason with him " Yea man relax" James added "Nah fuck that Darius let's get em right!" Zack said getting heated. " Man calm down we ain't sweating em " James finally said. " Yeah man let's slide out anyway Sam and Fly was talking about playing ball today anyway " Juwon said. James looked the other way when he heard Sam's name. "Shit I'm down, better than sitting out here at this buzzard ass corner store" Twan said "Man you not gonna play yo girl gonna call you and you run to her like a Lil bitch" Juwon ranked him the whole crew laughed at Twan. " Man I wear the pants in the relationship" Twan fired back. " Nigga please" James said sucking his teeth. "fuck y'all" Twan said getting agitated over it. "Alright so see y'all niggas on the court on 7thave in them apartments" Zack said walking toward the car." Alright imma pick up fly and Sam. " Juwon said walking to his car. As Zack,Twan,and James began to walk to the car James seemed like he was about to spazz out. "Man What's up with you man?" Zack asked him as they finally reached the car and got in. " Nothing bra" James replied quickly. Zack cranked up the car " Ohhhh!! I know what is" Zack finally realizing his little cousin problem. " you still tripping on that beef with you and him?" Zack asked. " man y'all already know I don't fuck with that nigga!!! " James snapped " Man chill that beef is old as fuck kill that shit" Zack told him " Nah fuck that nigga " he said not even willing to consider it. "Is you gonna start some shit when we get out there? " Twan asked "I'm going chill be low key but let that fuck nigga say something I'm might hit his ass" James said clenching his fist. Zack laughed at the fact to see James so worked up over something so little. But this beef has been doing on since they were little kids James hated how Sam went about himself. Sam a black boy that thrived off being and asshole. He was nothing but trouble always causing chaos wherever he went. also deep down James felt he was a rat he just hadn't proved it yet."Man but fuck my beef I don't like that shit with you and Jada man" James admitted. "We ain't doing nothing" Zack lied "Man so if yall ain't up to nothing what y'all was up to this Morning that yall both was late?" James asked being curious Zack just kept driving not even answering the question. " I bet she took you to that room that's abandoned right?" James assumed. Zack still didn't answer "look man you fucking with a girl thats gone cause even more pressure and I ain't on that" James admitted "Alright bra damn stop stressing me!!! I'm gonna cut her off okay!" Zack blurted out from his silence. " You better man you just getting to the school you don't need that type of pressure" James said dropping the topic. They arrived at the court waiting on Juwon and them in the car. Juwon pulled up on his side rolled down his window and bragged " y'all ready to get beat boy" he laughed. " Get yo ugly ass out the car nigga" Zack said. He was just as competitive as everyone else. Sam had gotten out of the car with Juwon and clapped up everybody. Soon as he got to James he walked right by him. they got on the court took a couple of practice shots getting ready "Alright who captain man? " Darius asked raising his hands up. " I'll be captain" James rose his hands " me too" Sam threw his up. the crew noticed the tension between the two. Juwon began to rub his hands together "oooooo this game gonna be on point"."Alright you pick first" Sam told James "Alright Twan you playing" he shouted from across the court. Twan sat on the phone all the way in the back he threw up his finger saying no. " Damn I got Zack " James chose " I got Darius" Sam picked " I got Juwon " James lastly picked "Alright I got the new kid Fly " Sam pointed at him. " We get ball first" Sam claimed Sam checked James up. Sam had passed the ball to Darius who threw back to Sam who ran all the way over to the side. James. quickly reacted like a lion catching it prey and jump all the over to Sam. when Sam released the ball James jumped up patted it down to the floor "oooooo kill em" Juwon chanted Zack got the rebound and took it back. he passed the ball to James who had Sam sticking him (defending him). he pushed him leg forward then brung it back then got behind the three point line. this made Sam stumble up and trip. James shot and hit nothing but net. Sam enraged that he had been show up started playing aggressive grabbed the ball and shoved James off of him and took it straight to the hole and scored James had threw the ball to Zack then took it full speed down the court. Sam followed the ball didn't realize where the ball was going. Zack threw it towards the goal. James jumped up in up from behind Sam knocking him over and James dunked it." Lebron type shit boy!" James yelled walking back towards the other side of the court. Sam pissed got and walked up on James and got in his face "pussy boy you on that let's them hands" Sam challenged him "Sam back up" James warned him. "what you gonna do bitch?!" Sam asked "BAP!!!!!" James threw his fist back and launched it forward landing the hit on right sams face. Sam fell back the boys rush toward then Zack grabbed James Twan suddenly got up and ran to the situation. Before Sam could come back Zack got in the middle of the two while Juwon grabbed James and Darius grabbed Sam. "Bop (James) you tripping boy" Zack said going over to James. " you said you wasn't gonna spazz out on him.?" Zack asked him. James still ignored Zack still eager to fight the adrenaline rushed thru his veins making him pumped. Twan had finally came over "what happened b" Twan said looking confused. Sam with a busted lip and a mouth full of blood he smiled at James which made him more furious. "imma catch you slipping boy believe me when I tell you that shit man!" Sam yelled walking off."Alright game over see y'all boys tomorrow imma drop Sam & them off " Juwon said clapping up the boys and then chasing down Sam to the car. "Alright yall" Fly said clapping them up shocked that all this happened his first meeting James. " Come on James, Twan let me drop y'all to the crib" Zack said walking off the court. the boys followed him into the crib. a moment of silence fell in the car the Zack burst out "man nigga clap me up!!" he said hyped throwing his hand towards James. James not knowing what he did he just accepted it. " The way you popped that boy Sam oooo I was like damn!!!!" Zack continued James and Twan couldnt help but roll. "But like forreal though you did ya thang man you stood for yourself man proud you" Zack admitted to him. "Thanks man I appreciate that" James said taking it as a complement. Zack had stopped in front of James house. "So what you going to homie " James asked Zack. "Shit I don't know man roll on up I guess." Zack said shrugging his shoulders. James took a deep breath "man you don't get tired of that?" he asked. "Look man you have yo ways of dealing with problems I have mine" he said as if he didn't wanna talk about it. "fuck it" James said giving up. Twan you wanna roll one he said looking in the mirror to see Twan." Nah ain't on it you know my girl got me sober" Twan explained "aaaaahh you pussy" Zack laughed. "Well I gotta go " he dapped them up they got out and he splurged off around the corner. "You good hood" Twan asked checking on him. "I'm straight man" James assured him "Well I would chill but bae...." Twan started "You good "James said cutting him off he had headed to his crib. Went upstairs to let his mom know he was in the house. Eating a little, watching a some TV, and taking a shower. he went to bed thinking "Damn all in the first day........" he drifted thinking what was next.....

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