Night of nights

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Yes indeed the money was rolling in good. It was like smoking weed was the new thing teenagers needed. Some of them did it to fit it in, because other people were doing it or the kid who got high to get rid of all of their problems they were having. Which to James it was stupid but he didn't care as long as they kept buying the stuff. Also with him selling shoes instead of dope was working out perfectly. Now making 250-300 for shoes that didn't even come out till next year the money started to add up & people were starting to notice. Such as Sam now that he was fucking Brenda. She had told him about what she had heard about James and Zack. How they were making money and putting in his head that he deserved a cut. Finally manipulating him he decided to demand some money. He saw the crew hanging on the court. Doing the usual as they played basketball and messed with each other. Sam swallowed his spit and took a deep breath. He knew him and the boys were on bad terms but hopefully he thought. If he kissed enough ass maybe they would break him off something. "Wassup yall boys!" Sam threw his hands up walking towards everyone. They looked at him as if he didn't belong. No one responded to his greet they just stared. "I see y'all out here balling and shit. Juwon you done put some new Giovanni rims on ya whip. Bop you got the taxis on when they came out? & damn Darius them beats you got on louder than a motherfucker!" Sam said to them. "Sam what the fuck you want?" Zack asked with a straight face. Sam stood in shock not expecting to ask so quickly. "Man I was wondering if y'all could break me off a lil something something. You feel me?" Sam reasoned. Zack looked him up then down reached in his pocket pulled out to dub bags & a hundred dollars and put it in Sam's hand. "Don't spend it all in one place." Zack walked off. Sam starred down at the money. "Damn so y'all can't put me on acting like I'm a stranger and shit!" he suddenly filled with anger. "Sorry bro you just going to have to keep that shit moving." James said. "Fuck all yall dumb ass niggas" Sam snapped. "All y'all stupid motherfuckers gonna regret this shit just watch.

Saturday has finally come the night of nights. Seniors & Juniors were waiting for this night their whole entire lives. Underclassmen were irrelevant to many people during this time. But the boys had met up at the court just to shoot around & play ball before it all. "Damn man this shit finally here man" Darius moaned stretching as if he just woke up. "Man it's just another dance" Juwon said bouncing the ball twice and shooting at the rim making it. James went up for the ball "Come on Bop respect the king" Juwon boasted. James threw him the ball back. Just as he was about to shoot again James threw him off by saying "well it's going to be another dance where Lexis will be at" he laughed. Shooting completely missing. "Bop stop playing. You serious?" Juwon suddenly was concerned. "That's what I heard" James grabbed the ball. "Oh no " Juwon sucked his teeth. "Ahhhh stop acting like a bitch" Zack told him. "Bra you don't understand it's Lexis" Juwon tried to point out. " you don't understand but l understand you sound like a bitch "  Zack joked. "Chill b. I mean he has a point this girl has been on him since sophomore year" James implied. "Exactly someone gets where the hell I'm coming from" Juwon threw his hands up. "Man thank god Krystal ain't shit like that" Zack scratched his head. "Fuck all that staying with one girl shit they all played" Darius said stealing the ball from James hands. "See he knows the truth" Zack agreed with him. "& who Darius fuck with palma right?" James looked at Zack stupid as he shook his hand up and down. Zack and Juwon laughed at Bop act the fool. "Yo Bop don't try me I gets me some pussy" Darius said finally realizing the joke. "Man from whom?" James cracked up. "Now see if y'all niggas would get a girl like sunny y'all wouldn't have a problem" James bragged. "Says the nigga who one minute all about Sunny but when Briana walks down this motherfucker. You about get in yo feelings like a bitch." Zack put James out there. "Fuck you that is a completely different situation" he told Zack. "Man you can't even tell her you miss her" Zack added. "Can we change the subject?" James grabbed the ball. "You mad or mad as fuck?" Juwon asked him. James stopped dribbling the ball and looked to him. "For one Juwon you just sounded like a bitch and two I don't have to explain shit to any of y'all idiots anyway" as he shot the ball. "Bop tighten up man" Juwon got serious. James stuck the middle finger "now look who's mad" James laughed. "Fuck all that shit man about this money though" Darius went for the rebound. "Like what? Man we got it in rush card  accounts in another name so our people won't know about it and me & Bop got a joint account because he know how his people is man always in his shit" Zack explained. "Yeah but where the real money at?" Darius sounded anxious. "Fuck you mean man we making fifteen G's (15,000 dollars) & we only in high school my nigga we good right where we at." James looked at him retarded. "Man I just want more man" he admitted. "See greed that's the shit that gets you killed" Juwon pointed out. "Look point blank when it comes time we make more money we will plain and simple" Zack shrugged his shoulders. "Alright y'all boys I'm gone I got to get a haircut and shit." James clapped up everybody. As he walked off Zack hollered out "yo Bop make sure you and Twan here for the surprise before homecoming be here at 7:45" "Alright man cool" he answered.

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