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|When you tell them that your boyfriend just used you|

BTS as your bestfriends

Hyung Line and Maknae Line


Nerd Herd

Jungkook: Shorty! We missed you at dinner!

(A/N: He's talking about you.)

Taehyung: Yeah! We had a contest for who could eat the most rounds of meat.

Seokjin: I won, of course ;)

Jimin: I bet you could have kept up with Jin-hyung if you were there, (Y/N).

Seokjin: Till then, I remain the champ.

Namjoon: Your love for meat is unrivaled, Hyung.

Seokjin: ^o^

Hoseok: Hey Sunshine, how come you couldn't make it?

Yoongi: Yeah, I texted you the place and you said you're going to make it

You: Hey guys..

You: I'm sorry.. I really was planning on showing up

You: But things have been pretty shitty today

You: And I get these random bouts where I just want to be alone

Jungkook: Shorty..

Taehyung: What? What happened?

Seokjin: Whats wrong, Princess?

You: Idk.. I don't really know if I should say it

Namjoon: You can tell us anything

Jimin: Yeah! Who's ass do we have to beat??

Yoongi: Calm down, Chim. Let her talk first. Always wanting to beat people up and shit

You: Well..

You: Remember that guy I was telling you about a couple of weeks ago?

Jungkook: That pretty boy wanna-be me and Tae saw you with at the movies?

Taehyung: LOL he was a pretty boy wanna-be, huh Kook?

Yoongi: Yah, stop it you two -_- let her talk

You: Thanks, Yoongs

You: Anyway..

You: I found out a couple of days ago that he is using me..

You: I was only his play thing.. Someone he always wanted around when he wanted to mess around

You: He never really cared about me..

You: I'm so stupid, I should have known better

Seokjin: Oh Sweetheart..

Yoongi: First of all, you shouldn't blame yourself for the fact that he is a total asshole

Hoseok: Yeah! He is an idiot!

Jimin: Wtf, how dare he mess with our girl like that

Jimin: Yoongi hyung, NOW can I kick some ass?

Yoongi: Only if I get the first hit

Taehyung: Forget about him, (Y/N). You've got seven lovely boyfriends and we're all here for you!

Jungkook: Yeah Shorty! We'll kick his ass and then take you out somewhere nice ^_^

You: Thanks guys.. But I wanna be alone right now

You: I'm so embarrased

Namjoon: It's okay to fall and let yourself be sad sometimes, but when you get back up you got to be stronger.

Hoseok: Yeah, Sunshine! You gotta come back swinging!

Jungkook: Come back swinging at that asshole with us!

Yoongi: Seriously though, I get the first hit.

You: Yoongs, calm down😅

Jimin: He's pretty pissed, (Y/N) lol

Seokjin: Everyone needs to calm down. No one is hitting someone

Seokjin: Princess, we'll give you sometime alone but please let us take you somwhere.

Namjoon: Yeah, too much time alone can be toxic to your menthal health

Taehyung: Yeah! Come over and we can make you forget about that idiot!

You: Okay.. I do miss hanging out with you guys

You: I don't remember the last time we hung out

You: He took so much of my time

Hoseok: Yeah, who did that jerk think he is stealing you away from us

Jimin: We have to make up for our lost time! We can take you everywhere and anywhere you want :)

You: Thanks guys. You're all seriously the best

Yoongi: Anything for our girl ❤

Jungkook: Yeah, if you mess with our girl you're gonna answer to the squad!

Seokjin: In the meantime, make sure you're eating well and drinking lots of water

Taehyung: Jeez hyung, you're such a mom

Jimin: And practice throwing those punches!

You: I love you guys ❤

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