[ thirty six-part two ]

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|When you're jealous of him hanging out with his girl bestfriend|

BTS as your boyfriend

Maknae Line


Jimin | ✏️

You: jiminie?

Jimin: jagi? Is there any problem?

You: can I ask you something?

Jimin: ask me anytime

You: well the thing is

You: who are you with a while ago?

Jimin: a while ago?

Jimin: oh it was my bestfriend :')

You: what were you two doing together?

Jimin: why?

Jimin: are you jealous? ;)

You: what will you do if i said yes?

Jimin: don't be love 💞

Jimin: i was just helping her to buy gifts for her brother

Jimin: but don't worry i brought food 💓

You: 💞💞💞

Taehyung | ✏️

You: hey

Taehyung: hey hey

You: did you know that

Taehyung: what what what

You: my bestfriend saw you a while ago at the mall

Taehyung: oh yeah! I was there :)

You: well, who is the girl then?

Taehyung: oh you mean her?

Taehyung: it was my bestfriend :))

You: why were you two together?

Taehyung: you wanna know why?

You: ofc i do

Taehyung: we just bought some gifts for her brother's upcoming birthday

Taehyung: are you still jealous about it? ;)

You: not anymore :')

Jungkook | ✏️

You: yo

Jungkook: hi jagi 💞

You: you went to the mall a while ago, right?

Jungkook: yesSs

You: so, intruduce me to the girl you were with :)

Jungkook: oh you mean my bestfriend?

Jungkook: she already knew about you ;)

Jungkook: i always talk about you to her

You: really?

Jungkook: ofc :') you're my jagi after all 💞

You: awe 💕

You: but, why are you with her though?

Jungkook: i helped her to pick a gift for her brother

You: oh okay

Jungkook: still jealous? 💕

You: of course not :')

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