[ thirty seven-part one ]

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|When they apologize for cheating on you|

BTS as your ex-boyfriend

Hyung Line


Seokjin | ✏️

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Seokjin: (Y/N)

Seokjin: it's me seokjin

Seokjin: as if you still remember me

Seokjin: how are you?

Seokjin: i miss you so much

Seokjin: i regret everything i did to you

Seokjin: please talk to me

You: what do you want jin?

Seokjin: oh my god (Y/N)

Seokjin: you finally replied to me

Seokjin: i'll tell you everything (Y/N)

You: what do you want to talk about when i clearly know that you don't want me anymore?

Seokjin: i want to apologize so much to you, especially for cheating behind your back. I made such a big mistake which is hurting you and i will never forgive myself for that. I just want you to know that i regret everything and i was a big jerk for doing that. I wish you'll forgive me for this, but i see that you are still mad at me and i was also mad at myself. I understand that you don't want me back, that is why i jsut want to apologize to you and let you find someone who can love you better. You don't deserve to be hurt by me and i wish for you to be happy and find a more better man for you and not like me. Please, accept my apologies.

You: really seokjin?

You: you'll just apologize now?

You: you hurt me badly jin, and you ruined me.

You: after what you did, i don't know what to do with my life anymore. i thought, what is my purpose in this world? i want to be gone back then jin, i really did.

Seokjin: (Y/N)..

You: but you know what? even though you broke me apart, my feelings for you will not. i forgave you after realizing that i can't live without you because, you're my life. Yeah, people can call me an idiot for forgiving someone that was cheating behind my back. Because, i still love you, Jin. Always and forever.

Seokjin: (Y/N), i don't know what to say...

Seokjin: even though i did something horrible to you, you payed me back with your love for me. they're right, i really don't deserve such an angel like you.

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