Bato of the water tribe/the deserter/the norther air temple

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<jet was in the chapter before the pirates in this story so he did not meet Korra> 

me and the guys were looking for food when we found a water tribe ship and also my fathers close allies Bato he took us to Monestary where the nuns make perfume the next day we did a right o passage for water tribes and we found out Aang was hiding information about our father

" Aang how could you" i SAID

""you lied" Sokka was angry Katara was speechless 

"Come on were gonna find dad" he said 

"kORRA katara are you with me" he said

"Were with you" we said we left the next day but then we heard about a sad wolf who was separated from his pack so we went back to catchh up with Aang cause he needed us he was our family we then stopped when some type of mole cat was at us Naga growled we got on and ran its tune paralyzed Naga and I hit the tree before it went Black I heard three voices

"KORRA!!!" screamed Katara , Sokka and Zuko whenI woke I was next to Katara and sOKKA THEY WERE Paralyzed I got up and I bended water at the lady with the clear skin I dodged her whip attacks the Zuko grabbed me 

"I thought you would not escape" he said his face was filled with pain I did not think my net action I kissed him

he was in shock but he returned the kiss then hang airbended him to a wall and that beast whipped him with his tongue causing him to fall down me Katara and the others escaped Aang managed to get the necklace back then we go to a fire nation festa...

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he was in shock but he returned the kiss then hang airbended him to a wall and that beast whipped him with his tongue causing him to fall down me Katara and the others escaped Aang managed to get the necklace back then we go to a fire nation festavle me katara and sokka went in hiding to get some supplies but needed up getting chased by fire nation soldiers but another solider who left the army helped us escape and took us to the greatest fire bending master ever Jeong gong he ended up teaching Aang who ended up burning kATARA AND ME BUT WE ENDED UP LEARNING TO Heal I could not get Zuko off my mind that kiss it was stuck in my mind next we went to the northern air temple  we thought their were more air benders but instead their were refuges who took the temple as their home but the fire nation uses their power in order to keep them safe but we stopped them and i just kept thinking about Zuko 

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