The boy in the Iceberg

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Name: Korra

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Name: Korra


Family: Sokka (Brother) Katara(sister) Kana (Grandmother ) Hakoda( Father)  Kya(Mother Deseased)

Pet: Naga(Polar bear dog)

Friends: Aang Toph Suki

Love interest: Zuko

Me my little sister Katara and my older brother Sokka were fishing for our small village 

"Watch and learn Girls this is how its done" he said looking at a fishing me and katara rolled our eyes sometimes we wanted to hit him Katara saw one and tapped my shoulder I turned round and she gestured we should water bend it I nodded she  took of her glove and started to bend the fish I helped her we had to keep moving

"Sokka look we caught one" I exclaimed

"Quiet korra" he said 

"But sokka we caught one" Katara said he pulled back his spear berating our bubble 

"Hey" we exclaimed 

"How come when I bring you two come fishing I get soaked" he said dripping with Ice coldwater

"You freaky magic is always making things hard" he said my eye started to twitch

"It's not magic its water bending and its" we were cut of

"Yeah yeah a part of our tribe" he said we entered the rapids me and my sister tried to help him Moniver the kanooe 

"yOU CALLED THAT LEFT" I said sarcastily 

"I knew I should have left you two at home leave it to two girls to screw things up" he said I started to get mad so was katara

"You are the most sexiest immature Nut brain were embarrassed to be related to you" we said waving our arms

"Ever since mom me and Korra have been doing all the work around camp and you have been playing solider" Katara said 

"Uh girls" Sokka said looking scared 

"Do you smell your dirty socks let me tell you not pleasant" I screamed

"Korra , Katara settle down"  he begged looking terrified 

"No were sick and tired of you blaming us for everything" Katara said

"From now on your on your own" we screamed wing our hands we noticed the Ice berg behind us it broke

"You guys just went from freaky to weird" Sokka said

"you mean we did that" Katara said

"Yep congrats" he said in a sarcastic tone then the water below us began to glow then an iceberg shot from it there was a big shape in them

"Yep congrats" he said in a sarcastic tone then the water below us began to glow then an iceberg shot from it there was a big shape in them

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avatar the last airbender korra sister of Katara and sokkaWhere stories live. Discover now