<ok so in this Korra is katana's older sister and Sokka sister all separated by one year>
Her and her sister are the last water benders the travel with the avatar but Korra falls for a fire nation prince
Me and katara were in a water bending sparing match with two other of master Pakku 's students sanggock bended and ice ball at Katara which she used as a counter attack I just bended water at him from the side
"Very good Katara, and Korra you both have passed my expectations you have shown with hard work and dedication you can be anything and for some raw talent is not enough" he said we looked at Aang who was playing with Momo he has been really Lazy with his water bending then an hour later out covered the sky I knew what that meant the fire navy was closing in the north pole and by the looks of it there is a lot that night chief annrock assigned a mission for the brave men sokka was one of them the next day we were at the first wall a fire ball came at us Aang went to a fire navy ship I dived into the water and headed for the ship I created a pillar of water and bended some water at the bridge which washed away the caption and some guards then I turned to see that their were at most a hundred fire nation ships following so I helped water benders make ice spikes total out the ships their was to many I rode back with Aang he was to tired because their was to many fire navy ships so we went to a spirit spring Yue tod us about I took off my coat and was in my new out fit that they gave me
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Aang was meditating
"what is he doing" Yue asked
"He meditating thats how he crosses over" I said HE GLOWS
"Should we get help" Yue said
"No were perfectly capable of keeping him safe" Katara said
"Aren't you a big girl now" I heard that voice
"No" he said
"Yes had him over and I won't have to hurt you" he said due ran to find help we got into fighting position he looked at me his face softened or a second he whispered "Korra" then he shot fire at Katara she deflected it with water I shot a wave at him but dodged it and attacked Katara he was not even attacking me i WENT TO AANG he was blocked by ice thanks to Katara then the sun risesed and Zuko shot fire at katara and me we blocked it with water but were were knocked out before I blacked out Zuko was picking me up then it went Black
When I woke I was in the back of a cave
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Aang was still in the Avatar state
"Zuko" I said he turned
"Korra" He said
"Korra I know this seems mad but I only tied you up so I can talk to you, Korra when you left I lost my mind I realized with in those few weeks that we were together that I'm in love with you" he finished with a kissed I returned it we heard a gasp it was Aang he just opened his eyes he did not see us kiss
"welcome Back" Zuko said
"Good to be back" he blew Zuko the wall zuko got up and chased him out the cave I hopped out as well we saw Appa and Naga Katara knocked out Zuko then they were gonna leave him
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"We can't leave him" I said
"Sure we can lets go" Sooka said
"No if we leave him he will die" Aang said we put him on Appa and we flew to the tribe but their was a lunar eclipse which means the moon spirit was in trouble so we got to the spring but Zhoa was there and he had the spirit in his hands at first he let it go but then he killed it which made everything go blank Aang fought of the Navywith the Avatar state Zuko was gone so i WAS sad the moon spirit was brought back thanks to Yue and the water tribe ws safe me and Katara were now water bending masters and we are going to set out to find Aang a earth bending master