Prince Zuko

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we ride back the adults sokka and my grandmother looked very angry 

"I knew it Katara, Korra warriors away from the traitor" he screamed

"Sokka it was an accident" Katara screamed

"Katara he just sent a flare to the fire navy he can't be trusted" he said

" Aang brought us something that has not been here a long time sokka FUN" I said

"You want to to fight fire benders with fun" Sokka said

"Yeah you should try it " Aang said

"Leave!" Sokka ordered 

"Gran Gran please " Me and Katara pleaded

"gIRLS you knew the rules Im with your brother" she sided with Sokka 

"Then were banished to" Katara grabbed Aang's hand I followed them

"Were do you think your going" Sokka said

"To the north pole Aang is going to find us a water bending master" I said 

"Really great" Aang said but unfortunately Sokka guilt tripped us into staying Aang left and me and sokka prepared for battle I mounted Naga Sokka was being a little dramatic and put on the warrior gear and went on the wall I looked at him

"Really great" Aang said but unfortunately Sokka guilt tripped us into staying Aang left and me and sokka prepared for battle I mounted Naga Sokka was being a little dramatic and put on the warrior gear and went on the wall I looked at him

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we saw a ship in the distance i ran to the villagers Sokka stood his ground but dailed when a boy with a scar came out he defeated sokka I was next

"What do you want?" I demanded

"Im looking for the avatar where are you hiding him" he asked

"I don't know what your talking about but if you haven't got the news the avatar has been gone for over a century and if he or she returned they would not be here i  our small village" I said Naga growled

"I know your Hiding him" he said he came close I shot water at him he looked at me

"A water bender" he hissed

"Leave" I ordere he got up and bended fire at me I dodged it flipping off of Naga she stood her ground against he rhinos while I fought this guy I raced to him kicking him in the gut but he grabbed my leg and threw me at his Rhino I was on the floor he  mad daggers out of fire Sokka threw a boomerang at him he only got mad  then hang came in 

"Looking for me" Aang said 

"Your the last airbender your the avatar" the boy said

" Aang" me and Katara exclaimed

"No way" sokka whispered him and Aang and the boy fought but it stopped

"If I go with you do you promise to leave them alone" Zuko nodded Aang nodded and was taken by soldiers then he looked at me and gripped my hand and pulled me 

avatar the last airbender korra sister of Katara and sokkaWhere stories live. Discover now