<ok so in this Korra is katana's older sister and Sokka sister all separated by one year>
Her and her sister are the last water benders the travel with the avatar but Korra falls for a fire nation prince
" Im not one to complain but can Appa fly higher" sokka said irritating the snot out all of us
"Ive got an idea why don't we all hop on your back and you can fly us to the north pole"Aang fired back
"Sure hop on every body" Sokka said Momo got on his back me and Katara were laying on Naga
"Look lets just settle down"Katara said
"I know were all tired and annoyed from flying a few days straight but can we please get to the northern water tribe with out killing each other" I said
"How are we gonna find it theres nothing" Sokka said suddenly ice appeared causing Appa to fly out of control then we saw water benders we finally made it to the water tribe it was huge
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I looked at the people there was so much more people here then in the south pole thats probably because no one was killed they managed to stay alive we then went to the feast
"tonight we celebrate the coming of our brother and sisters from our sister tribe and a very special person someone who has been told to have been gone from many years The Avatar" Applause were given
"Also were are celebrating my daughter's sixteenth birthday she is now of marrying age" Chief anorak said
"May the ocean and moon spirit be with all of us" Yue said she sat next to sokka he said he was a price
"pRINCE pRINCE OF WHAT" katara laugh as i SAID
"cAN YOU TO MIND YOUR buiessness" he snapped
"Our apologies prince sokka" we said and bowed Aang went of with the chief to tell him about teaching us the next day we went to start
"Good morning Master Pakku!!" Aang screamed
"No no just ruin my concentration" Pakku said
"Sorry these are my friends" he said posting to use he looked at us
"Im sorry there seems to have been a mistake" Pakku said
"A mistake " I said
"You did not tell me your friends were girls" he said
"So what if were girls" I said getting annoyed like I am with sokka
"In our tribe it is forbidden for women to learn water bending" he said
"What do you mean we can't learn we did not travel the entire world just so you could say no" I said
"No" he said
"But thats not fair" Katara said
"Well your rules stink" Aang said
"Well I'm sorry but thats how it has to be" Pakku said
"If you won't teach them then" Aang said
"Then what?" Pack said
"Then Im not your student" he said walking off me and Katara managed to convince him to go with out us we went to Yuganda for a healing lesson there was young girls
"Are you two here for the healing lesson" Yuganda said we looked at each other then the girls
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"i guess we are" we said we sat threw the lesson at the end we talked to Yuganda
"Who's the lucky boy" she said to Katara
"Oh no Im not ready for that yet you see our grandmother passed it down to our mother and our mother passed it down to me" Katara said
"I don't know why I didn't realize it sooner you girls the spitting image of Kama" she said
"How do you know our gran grans name" I said
"We use to be friend she was engaged to be married to a warrior he made her that necklace also another necklace here let me get it" she said going into a chest she pulled out another
"She gave it to me instead of saying good bye to her home the north" she said
"She never told us" we said
"Here" she handed me the necklace
"I can't " I said
"Yes you can" she said she ave me the necklace
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I put it on and feel close to her we go back to our hutt the tribe provided
"Hows training" Sokka asked I groaned in Naga's fur
"Not so good" Sokka asked
"Master pop head won't teach them cause their girls" Aang said
"Why don't you teach them Aang " he said so we tried it only to get caught by master Pakku and say that Aang is no longer his student so the next morning we tried apologizing to him but their was no way we were apologizing to a sexiest jerk like him so me and Katara fought him and lost our hair was out our necklaces off
"These are my necklaces" he said
"No their not their our ours give them back" Katara said he explained how he was the man that was suppose t marry gran gran he realized that not all rules are best so he allowed me an Katara to be his students I just couldn't shake a bad feeling