Chapter 52

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Sasha's POV

"You can't tell anyone though. This has to be a secret. Ecspecially from Sasha" I hear Shay's voice vaugely as I stop outside her dressing room door. A secret? Why would she keep something from me?

"My lips are sealed" I hear another voice say. Ashley, I think. What could they possibly be keeping from me? Before I get a chance to think suspicio takes over me. I push open Shay's door maybe a little too quickly to see her and Ashley sitting on the couch as if nothing happened.

"Hey guys" I say as I walk.

"Hey babe" Shay beams as she gets up and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her neck as she kisses my cheek and pulls away. Shay takes my hand and brings me over to the couch. She pulls me onto her knee and wraps her arms around my back.

"So what's going on?" I try and ask casually with a smile, trying to figure out what's going on. I notice Shay's eyes widen slightly.

"Uh nothing really. We've just been hanging out" She replies a little to quickly. Ashley exchanges a quick glance with Shay. I furrow my brow and squint my head slightly as I try and read there expressions.

"I should get going. I'll call you Buttah, later Sash" Ashley calls as she gets up and opens Shay's dressing room door.

"Later Benzo" Shay calls as she leaves. I let my arms rest limply on Shay's shoulders. I stare into her eyes. Nothing but love swimming in them.

"What?" Shay asks with a smile and tilts her head.

"What are you keeping from me?" I start. Shay just stares at me with a confused expression on her face.

"Babe why would I keep something from you, we tell each other everything" She laughs lightly.

"I heard you and Ashley talking about keeping a secret from me. I didn't mean to but I did" I say straight forward. Shay's mouth forms in an 'O' shape before she bites her lip and looks away. I let out a frustrated sigh and get of her lap. I turn away from her and walk around the small space of the room.

"Babe" She pleads almost. I turn around with my arms crossed over my chest, slightly annoyed that she tried to lie to me. But lets be honest, I could never really be annoyed at Shay. I love her too much for that.

"Can I explain?" She asks. I just nod and wait for her explination.

"Theres a drive in movie theater that's been set up at the Boulavard Pier. There showing 'Grease' tomorrow night. I was going to get out my old vintage open roof car and take you there as a surprise" She explains. A small smile starts to creep onto my lips. But it quickly fades when I try and be serious.

"Well you still lied to me" I say and huff.

"Well if your that mad about it I guess you won't want to go.." Shay trails off and teases me.

"Are you kidding of course I want to go!" I shout frantically and jump onto Shay, causing her to fall backwards onto the couch.

"Woah your mood changed" She laughs beneath me.

"I just don't like the thought of you keeping something from me. I want you to trust me" I say as I stradle Shay's waist and tuck a piece of lose hair behind my ear.

"Believe me I trust you with my life" She tells me softly and cups my face. Shay slowly brings my lips to hers as my hands rest on her shoulders. I smile contently into the kiss.

"You know, your the best girlfriend ever" I whisper against her lips.

"I like the sound of that. You calling me you're girlfriend" She giggles.

Shay's POV

"You know, your the best girlfriend ever" Sasha whispers against my lips. And God how it feels so good to hear her say that.

"I like the sound of that. You calling me you're girlfriend" I giggle. Now I can't wait for tomorrow and thank God I had already thought about going. How would I have explained that if I didn't? 'Oh yeah sorry Sash I'm just planning my secret pruposal that your not supposed to know about' It clearly wouldn't be a surprise then. Sasha glances over at the shelf I was looking at early. She climbs off of me and walks over yo the shelf, picking up the same photo I was looking at earlier. She smiles and runs her fingers along the wooden frame.

"I was so crushing on you" She giggled.

"But I thought it wouldn't happen. Concidering I was thirteen and you were twenty-two" She laughs slightly. I mumble back a small yeah as I creep to my mini fridge and pull out two bottles of whipped cream. A smirk appears on my lips slightly.

"And look where we are now" I say catching Sasha's attention. She looks up slowly from the photo frame and I spray her imidiently with the two cans. She squeels and jumps as she tries to sheild herself with her hands.

"Babe!" She shouts. As soon as I stop spraying her I hunch over in a fit of laughter and fall to the floor. Sasha grabs a can from my hand and stands over me. She raises the can in a attack position.

"Woah babe we can talk this out" I warn playfully and raise a finger at her.

"Nope" Sasha says popping the p. She starts spraying cream at me rapidly. Of course I have to retaliate. The next five minuets consist of dodges and attacks before I pull Sasha down. She lands on top of me and starts laughing. I stare into her eye with love.

"De ja vu again?" I giggle, referring to the moment from the picture seven years ago.

"You've got a little something" Sasha gestures to the cream on the corner of my lips with her finger. I cup the back of her neck and pull her lips down to meet mine.

"Gone?" I ask with a smirk.

"Gone" She smirks in return and connects our lips again.

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