Chapter 82

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Sasha's POV

*5 days later*

I let out a happy sigh and run my fingers through my tangled, messy, morning, sex hair. I pull the sheets up to cover my slightly exposed naked body as I turn and take and face my wife, her hair scattered across her pillow, her tan bare back showing and her body firmly wrapped in the sheets. I turn around and lie on my back as the scent of Shay and sweat from last night-which is oddly a great combination-flood back the events of last night.

*Flashback-The pervious night*

"Loving you, is easy 'cause your beautiful" Shay sings to me with a giggle. I cover my face with my hands as I roll over on our bed laughing.

"What?" Shay giggles. As I laugh histerically I feel Shay climb ontop of me.

"Shay!" I Squeel. As I feel her weight on my back. I manage to roll over under neath her so that our noses are almost touching. With my head pushed up against the headboard of our bed, Shay smiles.

"I love you" She sings and her head colapsases to my neck.

"I love you" Shay sings again with a hearty giggle, causing me to laugh with her.

"Oh no, your hormonal" I laugh, referring to how Shay gets needy and extra loving when she's due on that time of the month. Shay finally sits up on my lap, her legs at either side of my hips and brushes her hair out of her face.

"Sash babe, I love you, I love you so much" She sings, louder this time than before.

"Shh" I giggle.

"It's almost midnight you'll wake everyone"

"That's not the only thing that'll wake them" Shay smirks...then bursts into laughter. I shake my head with a huge grin on my face. I see that 'PG-18' look that I love to see Shay give me.

"Take that shirt off" I command Shay with a smirk as I nod at her white v-neck pajama shirt. Shay places a finger on her chin in thought.

"Why?" She finally asks with a smirk. I let my bottom lip roll between my teeth as I look her up and down. Shannon's clevage shows slightly, just pushing up out of her v-neck and her strong thighs keep her body up right in her short tartan shorts.

"Because it's bothering me" I almost growl.

"And I" I say, moving closer to Shay.

"Am so hungry for you" I whisper when I reach her ear, nibbling down on it slightly. Just as I think Shay is giving in, she places her hand on my chest and pushes me back down.

"You'll have to be patient" She wags her finger at me.

"You bad girl" Shannon adds, driving my insane in all areas. Shay ruffles her hair to the one side, tilting her head only making her look even more sexy.

"Do you remember our first kiss, in Montana?" She asks me, slowly leaning down. I don't reply, my bottom lip returning into between my teeth.

"Because I remember it like yesterday. And I think it went a little something like this" She smiles as our noses lightly bash against each others before our lips connect. The kiss is just like our first and once again I am transported back to Montana, on that couch, flustered after revealing my love for Shay and everything that happened with he who shall not be named. I feel the weight of the world lifting off of my shoulders just like it did then, all of my worries fading and my mind focusing on the sensual movements of our lips, our hands, the touch of Shay's hand caressing my cheek, the feeling of her waist in my hands and the taste of her strawberry lip balm, the same scent of vanilla from that very moment three years ago. I feel the adreneline rush through my body again as I cup Shay's face with my hands, letting my thumbs run over her soft cheeks. Everything transports me back to that day. Shay's soft lips brush against mine for a last time before she pulls away.

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