I missed you

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L x reader!


°°°°IN THE PAST!!!!°°°°°

"I hate you!" you scream at L. Tears streamed down. "Y/N you have to understand that it is for your own good and safety." L said but that doesn't stop your tears from running down."I'll be safe I promise I'll help you I'll- I'll -" L rapped his arms around your shoulders. You buried your head in his chest sobbing. "I have a new case." L said softly as you nod. "Please let me come with you." you plead. "No if you get hurt I'll never forgive myself." L said. Your cheeks turn red. "But I wont." you say. "Please don't make this harder then it already is." L said hugging you.

°°°°°°NORMAL TIME °°°°°

You run up the building. Your eyes misty with tears. As soon the first  doors open you see watari. You run up to him. Hugging him you smile. "Where is L." You said impatiently. "Over here." you turn to the voice to see L. "L!" you almost scream and drop your luggage. Running to L Hugging him you tackle him down. "I missed you." you say. L pats your hair. "I did too Y/N." L said and hugs you even tighter if that's even possible. "you found Kira right?" you ask. "I found and catch both Kiras." L corrected you. "I love you." you blurt out and your face turns red. "I love you too." L said and smiled.

"I missed you." you both said at the same time.


A/N I know the chapters are short but.... Meh... I'm lazy so don't come to my house with pitchforks and stuff.

L- I think your other book was better

Me- ¬_¬ no one asked you

L- ¬_¬

Me- ¬_¬

L- why are we doing this? ¬_¬

Me- I dono  ¬_¬

Bye -A

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