Fight over crab

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A/N: Hey guys, this is my first Reader insert fanfiction. If there are any mistakes I make please let me know. 


As the (h/c) girl walked down the street and into the store looking for the victim of tonight's dinner with very little money but a large appetite. (Y/N) looked down at the flyer advertising the large sale that only lasted for today, you had been looking forward to this day all week long. Turning down to frozen foods aisle you had spotted some of the last crab of the day.

"Man, I should have come here sooner to get more," you reached down and grabbed some crab placing it in the opposite arm,  repeating this until there remained only one packet of crab left. As you reached for the last of the crab you saw a robotic arm grab it simultaneously, looking up you saw the owner of the arm. He had a cracked face, missing an eye and hair puffed up looking like a piece of popcorn. You had to physically hold in a laugh that demanded to be heard. "That's mine," you stared at him awaiting for his response or for him to let got of the food you desired. 

"My master has asked me to retrieve crab for him. I cannot let him down, it also seems that you have enough for just one person," he had determination laced into his voice.

"One cannot have to much crab. One also doesn't get to have what I want," you pulled the crab towards you until you felt it being pulled back the opposite direction. "Are you deaf or are you short circuiting? I said I want this crab and I will have this crab."

"And I said my master wants this crab." 

The two of you hadn't noticed that some people has started to stop and watch the commotion that started between the two young people. The male cyborg had started to glow a bright orange and his eyes brightened, analyzing you and the crab. You tugged back not fazed by the glowing on his bionic body, he did the same. This meant war. Tug-of-war. 

"I. Want. This. Crab," your voice had become more stern than before. 

As the two of pulled and tugged you heard a bored voice call over towards you. "Yo, Genos. Grab the crab and lets go. Hey that rhymes." The voice belonged to a bald man with an un-amused expression plastered onto his face. The bald man looked kind of like an egg man.

"Yes Master!" With a final tug he pulled the crab out of your determined hand and began to walk away. Before he was able to fully walk away out of your grasp you set down the few packets of crab in your possession, ran, and jumped on to the back of the unsuspecting blonde. 

"I said i want that crab!" 

The blonde cyborg stumbled forward dropping the crab. As it dropped from his hands and slid across the tiled floor you clime up his back and jump over his back, diving for the food. Just before you were about to land you felt his cold metallic hand wrap around your ankle and pull you back towards him. You landed with a thump back at your launching place. AS you landed You watching in horror as the bald egg man bent over and grab the food you had just fought over.

The cyborg that you assumed was the one named Genos stepped over you laying form and towards his Sensei. 

"That's my crab you ass!" you yelled at the pair that walked from you. 

The egg man turned to you, waved the crab saying what you refused to hear. "Not anymore," then walked away to buy the food he had collected in a small basket. 

Rising from the dirt and dust covered floor you were still laying on you dusted your clothes and looked around, you noticed that everyone around was staring at you, some whispering and others saying to their friends that they wished they had a camera. Annoyed you yelled at the small crowd that had accumulated "What the hell you staring at?!" Some turned and went back to what they were originally doing, others kept their eyes glued to you. You huffed and grabbed an empty small basket from a persons hand and put the few packets of crab into it.

Grumbling, you walked over to a cash register and gave them the needed amount of money for your food and left to the temporary place you called home, with the doctor that would repair your cyborg parts.


Word count: 748 (without beginning A/N)

A/N: So how was the first chapter? please let me know. I'm kinda nervous about this. 

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