Trance of Awe

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"A monster terrorizing City W, evacuation is being put into action of all citizens in the surrounding ares are encouraged to evacuate their home for their own safety, I repeat..."   The news anchor droned on about the evacuation that was currently happening in one of the next cities over. 

"I should probably go." The bald man stated and started to pull on the yellow suit and red gloves and boots and dramatically putting on the over-sized white cape. 

"I will go along Sensei," Genos immediately jumped up at the opportunity to learn and train beside Saitama. He seemed like these chances only came around every so often and were as rare as finding a pearl in a oyster. 

"I suppose I will too, just for the hell of it," you pushed yourself off the wall you had been currently leaning on while chewing some flavorful gum that was in your pocket. You stretched your stiff muscles and mechanical leg and arm, checking for any loss wires or bolts. You followed behind the two male as they casually left the building towards the story that was currently being reported on.

~~~Time skip brought to you from your lazy author~~~

The three of you slowed your pace from the intense speeds to a jog and then eventually a casual walk. You stopped in front of multiple monsters looking for stragglers in the streets that didn't make it far enough fast enough. Your artificial eyes scanned the opponents standing in only a few yards in front of you and still had yet to notice the new comers in front of them. It scanned an approximate strength, speed, intelligence, and origin. Strength: 180 of 500, Speed: 60 per hour, Intelligence: Minuscule, go figure. Origin: Unknown. 

"Looks like we're late to the party, how rude of them to start without us." You gave off a confident smirk and called out to the monsters before you grabbing their attention, watching as the crawled over cackling as they made their way over. 

"Looks like we finally found some food, although the one in the middle doesn't look to edible." He scanned over you three and stopped on Genos as you said that.

"So they speak, surprising don't you say?" That snarky comment made some of them step back intimidated until they realized you were female.

"Ohh, look at the pretty one. We should eat her first," They crawled up closer to you inch by inch. One going for Saitama. "Wait... She doesn't look fully human either. The only fully human looking one is the weird bald one."

Cackling you looked over to Saitama and noticed the irk mark on his shiny head.

"If she's not human then what is she?"

"Who cares looks human enough, grab those two and go." 

More swarmed around like moths to the light in the dead of the night. Once enough got close enough to the odd baldy swung a fist of complete boredom and at least two of the beings were no longer there. In fact they had completely turned into a mess of just splattered green blood an the wall. If you had a picture of what you looked like you would look like a cartoon character with their jaws hanging open in surprise and shock. Genos attacked a few of the remaining ones as Saitama repeated his process and you stood there still shocked and not knowing how else to react. No wonder the blond had eagerly jumped up to watch this man in action. It was something that seemed only possible in anime or manga, but here it was, right in front of you. You had gotten stuck in a trance of awe in just mere seconds. 


Dear Readers,

It is I, your lazy author who put this off for multiple reasons and one of them being a lack of motivation and thinking no one actually liked what I wrote. BUT. Someone actually asked for another update,so here It is. I hope you enjoy~                  

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