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"What's your story... like why you're a cyborg and your reason to keep going each and every day," The two of you sat in the darkness of Genos' dark apartment looking at the dark sky and the few stars the were brave enough to shin through the bright city lights and let all who looked up at the sky know of their existence. That they were there and shining brilliantly as the sun. You sat there comparing yourself to the few stars in the vast sky, knowing that if you were a star hug in the sky you would emit no light for there was no one to shine for or guide in the dark night with your white light. 

"I want to be stronger. To avenge my family and the small town that died to that rogue cyborg." When those few word fell into the small apartment and ran into your eardrums your breath hitched at the name of the rogue cyborg. "(Y/N)?"

"W-what is it?" Your eyes glimmered with hope to news of the one you despised the most, the one you wanted to see go down the most.

"Do you know of the Rogue Cyborg? Your breath hitched at the mention of his name," You heard him shuffle and the joints in his bionic body glowed a low orange color barely creating a light bright enough to see by or even create a reflection on the wall now behind him. 

"Yeah, I do," you watched his slight movements by the pale light of the moon and his body. Knowing he would ask how and why."They killed everyone I knew and loved, just like he did to you."

You saw his golden orbs glow in interest and yearning wanting to know more of your similar story. Hesitation began to cloud your mind on weather or not you should tell him. If you did you were safe knowing you wouldn't cry at your own misfortune because your tear ducts had been sealed off due to your synthetic eyes and the wiring in your head. 

"Before the chaos that had occurred I was an orphan," You turned to your side with you back facing him and your gaze avoiding his but you still felt his eyes watching your back. "I was the oldest of fifteen kids there, the youngest was three years old before he passed. I took car of them without a second thought," A lump formed in your throat but no tears slid down you face as they would if you were normal. If you had been there would be a small puddle of hot tears forming below you beautiful face. A sniffle sounded in the room and echoed off the bare walls that lacked any decor. "I would take the blame and punishment for any wrong doing they did just to protect them. We were outside in the yard playing when it happened. When they would make their last memories, have their last laugh, and not even have a chance to say their last goodbyes," You fist clenched in pure rage and frustration. You wished at times like this you still had the ability to cry to show that you cared for them, that you still mourn their lives that were taken away all to soon. "They hadn't even to experience life to it's fullest! They were were just stumbling in to the adventures that the world had to offer them and experiences waiting to be made for heavens sake...! Yet there was nothing for me to do, I was to weak..."

Silence settled between the two of you after the story you offered to his ears. It wasn't awkward it was one out of respect for the lost souls and their tragic death. "I will avenge their death and my families death for you."

"Don't bother avenging them Genos. Once the soul left the body and they die there is nothing in this world you can possibly do to bring them back from their graves."


I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm not really satisfied with it, but oh well I guess.

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