Him Again!?!?

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A/N: The italic words mean your thoughts


As you sat in the small confined space you stared at the twinkling stars the twinkled. They looked so close for how bright they shown in the dark midnight sky. It reminded you of how your life was before it was ruined and you became what you are now.

You stared at the cyborg arm, flexing it. Remembering when there was still flesh and bone, blood running through veins, still the color of your (S/C) flesh resting upon the muscles that were beneath it. 

As you were studying the craftsmanship on the bionic arm you heard a knock on the back door leading to the basement and the footsteps trailing to the door. You stood up leaning an ear softly on the almost unstable door listening for any voices or conversation. 

"What was it this time, Genos?"

"Genos... Now why did that name sound so familiar? Maybe I heard it from passing someone by on the street? No. That be it." The fact that you couldn't figure out where you had heard his voice began to irritate you. On a scale on 1-10 it was about an eight. 

"Master Saitama had fought with something at a place called 'The House of Evolution'. 

"Where the hell is his voice from?!?!?!" The  numbers on the scale went from an eight out of ten to eleven out of ten.

"I see."

You heard heavy footsteps walk past the door and into the basement that had been transformed into some sort of laboratory where Doctor Kuseno would repair other cyborgs and as you had as your personal favorite theory, would build robots as his army to rule the world. The more you tried to recall where you recognized his voice the more your irritation escalated. As the Stranger's and Doctor's conversation continued the more you desired to bust out of your room like the Hulk and find who the voice belonged to.

Eventually you gave into that feeling and you kicked down your door. You kinda felt like a ninja who wasn't very quiet or good at doing their job. 

The two men talking stopped their conversation and stared at you astonished. You felt proud that you could kick down the door almost flawlessly without falling, but as the familiar face registered your pride had transformed into anger.

"THE CRAB THIEF!!!" You mentally yelled at yourself. You lowered the still raised leg and could almost feel the steam come out of your ears from the fact that he was here. 

"YOU!!" Raising your finger and pointing at the thief. Off to the side you heard the Doctor mumble something along the lines of 'Here we go again' but you brushed him off.

The  surprised cyborg sat up from the metallic table he was laying on and looked at you questioning you on why you were here. The question that followed practically made you want to melt him in a pot of boiling water, "What did I do?"

You felt like a tea pot letting out steam at the moment. You took two steps forward, spread your legs apart and pointed your finger at him like some anime character would do and yelled at him. "YoU sToLe My CrAb YoU BaStArD!!!" His eyes widened and he slightly leaned back. The Doctor next to him was also surprised that this was the reason you were fuming over. 

"That's what you're upset over?" the two said in unison. 

"Well what else would it be over?!" You scanned over the cyborg realizing that his hair was no longer an Afro that looked like an oversize piece of popcorn and his face had been restored to what you guessed was originally  how it looked before it got jacked-up. as you scanned him more you realized that he had no shirt on and his mechanical chest was exposed. 

"Maybe something important," the Doctor stated, returning back to his work.

If this wasn't you in this situation you would have yelled 'BURN' but this was you and you couldn't yell burn in your own face. Damn.

"Technically speaking," Genos spoke up, turning your attention back to him, "It wasn't yours until you paid for it."

You eyed the man with such hatred before you spoke back "I was going to pay for it but YOU pulled it out of MY hands!!!" Huffing you crossed your arms, turned on your heal and started to pout. You could feel Genos's eyes on your back and the Doctor roll his eyes at your childish behavior. 

"I'm finished Genos." 

"Good now the thief can leave," Just as you were about to walk back to the small room you were temporarily living the Doctor spoke again.

"(Y/N), why dont you go live with Genos?"

You almost tripped on nothing but air from the surprise of that question.

"Because he might not want to live with him!!!" Throwing out the first excuse that you could think of.

"I don't mind, if this it what you want me to do to repay what you have done for me Doctor Kuseno."

"Not helping idiot!!!"

"There you have it (Y/N). You do need a home and the room you are currently in is hardly enough room to live in. Now go pack your things."

You marched out of the room stomping your feet for more effect to show how upset you were.


Word Count:  885 ( Without A/N ) 

A/N: I was kinda running out of ideas towards the end but I hope you still like it. I'll try and update as soon as I can.

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