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Days passed of following Genos around in pure boredom as Saitama "trained" him to become as insanely strong as the yellow-suit-wearing-egg-head. In your opinion his hero name should be Dr Egg Head rather than the one he gave himself. You noticed that he wasn't on the hero forum either so he didn't really have a hero name to start with.

"(Y/N)," Genos turned around to talk to you but you didn't seem to notice this until you bumped into him resulting in you falling backwards. As you fell and flailed your arms that seemed to have no joints in them by how they were moving Genos managed to catch your wrist. When you realized this you blushed from the embarrassment of the current situation. Of course the oblivious cyborg didn't seem to notice the faint pink that was dusted on your (s/t) cheeks.

"Y-yes...?" You looked at him still in mid-fall saved only by your thin but muscular arm and his metallic one that was extended. Your sparkling (e/c) eyes searched his face for any hint as to what he was thinking or what his words would relate to in the slightest. You only found his trade mark stoic look and a sliver of concern that danced in his eyes. You had to admit that he was attractive even though he was mostly mast of artificial materials. 

"I hope that you do not mind me asking, but where did you acquire your mechanical limbs?" Then it was gone. The moment. The thought of him being cute. The flustered blush. All disappeared as those few words and formed in his mouth and leaked into the air never able to be taken back like they had never been said to begin with.  

"I... Uh. I got them from another doctor, but he passed away sometime ago..."  Now you had stood up and tried to hide the mechanical body parts under the sleeve of your hoodie. Your body was made of mostly human flesh with the exception of your left, half of your left leg, from the shin down on your right leg and a portion from the ring finger to your pinky finger. You never liked them nor did you want them in the first place and honestly the story as to how you got them in the first place was a big part of the reason you hated them. "Why do you ask?" 

"I just noticed that the mechanics used to make your parts are more advanced than the work of Dr Kuseno," He stood in front you you and towering over you, watching every slight move and shift that you made, noticing your body language,  yet he still wanted to know everything about this. About you. You intrigued him in every way from your out of the ordinary personality to the way you observed your surroundings seeing how you fit into the puzzle of the world. He saw how you seemed like a lost puzzle piece and in the wrong box of misshapen cardboard that made a glamorous view once it was finally put together. 

He looked away. Ashamed for the question even forming in his head and falling into the vast space we call Earth. Just before he looked away he saw that you looked hurt. Not physically,but in you eyes he could see your emotions brew and mix together with harsh memories forced for you to relive in your mind. The memories of losing something dear to you and being unable to do anything about it because you were to weak to do anything to protect them. 


Hello Again!!! 

Yes I know that it's been FOREVER sense I last updated but that because I got busy and when I did have time I was to lazy to update. But I hope you like this update enough to forgive me XD       

 Oh and btw (s/t) beans Skin tone for those of you who don't know. I also wanted this to be published earlier in the day rather than ten at night Sorry!!!

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