Chapter Eleven

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This chapter is dedicated to @armotage , without her I wouldn't be writing this story at all, so thank you so much for the inspiration and for just being an amazing friend in general. Also I want to thank @armotage again as she is now the official editor of this story :-)

Also, once this story is completed, I will edit it and I will be changing some things, but I haven't decided whether I will change the tense from past to present or leave it as past but change it from first person to third person. I will ask my friends for help and hopefully I will have decided by next week.

I would also like to apologize for not updating sooner, I know that I have been slack at updating but I will try to be more organized. From now, I will update every week, on Saturdays and if I'm busy then Mondays at the latest.

Thank you & Happy Reading!


Emily's P.O.V

I blinked, my vision bleary. My neck felt stiff and there was an unbearable throbbing in my jaw. Before I had the chance to fully regain consciousness, darkness engulfed me once more.

The brightness of the light caused white spots to dance across my eyesight. I squinted to no avail. The curtain of light parted, welcoming a stunning lady through. My jaw slackened in wonder. Suddenly my definition of beauty seemed depreciative.

The fluorescent arch surrounding her, subsided slightly. Her ivory skin radiated an almost placid atmosphere. The rainbow dress billowed around her, alluring any onlooker. HHHoney blond, cascading curls framed her face, bringing into focus her enchanting features. Her almond eyes were fixated on my own. Her intent gaze caused my conscious self to tremble. The smile forming on her face outshone her halo of light, which was gradually waning.

My instincts weren't signalling me to run or cower in fear, instead this woman's presence comforted me. I allowed my tense body to relax. It wasn't until then that I noticed the woman's magnificent wings. The rainbow colours melted into one another creating an ombre display. They resembled wax, contradictively giving the impression of being fake yet real at the same time.

"Emily, come here child," she spoke in a gentle tone. I hesitated, unsure whether or not to trust this stranger. Cautiously if not timidly, I treaded over to her.

Licking my lips in ambivalence, I asked, "You know my name... I mean, how..." My voice trailed off.

She smiled indiscreetly, amusement flashed in her eyes, "Oh you'd be surprised at the amount of things I know. After all, knowledge is power."

"Oh okay, so if you really know that much then could you do me the pleasure and tell me why you're here. Oh that is of course if you know yourself." I had no idea why I had blurted out those words and where the unusual attitude had appeared from. 'Rainbow Addict' however didn't seem to mind.

"Why am I here... well if you hadn't summoned me child, maybe I would be back at my shop, Rainbow Organic Food & Lifestyles. Oh Emily dear you must visit one day, we sell wonderful treats, well since I'm here right now, Fleecy will be the one selling wonderful treats but you get the point."

'Rainbow Addict' droned on and on about her specialty in converting sweet treats into healthy ones. I tuned out, my thoughts lingering on her response to my question; If you hadn't summoned me... That made no sense.

"Oh dear, I must be returning to the shop, Fleecy has to go visit her friend, Mellie. The thought totally slipped my mind, well I'll be on my way dearie and do not summon me unless it's an emergency, now I am a busy lady you know. There's also stacks of drachma sitting on my desk, plenty of messages to return and millions of new recipes to experiment. See you soon." With those words, she disappeared.

I stood there mouth agape.

"Emily, get up." I blinked, only to find Stephanie staring at me, I yelped in fright. She rolled her eyes at my incredulous reaction. I recomposed myself, she couldn't hurt me a second time, besides how did it matter, I was already in an infirmary, well my surroundings definitely resembled one.


Anonymous P.O.V

Tripping over broken branches, snapping twigs and rustling stray leaves I bolted through the forest, keeping my eyes trained on my destination, ahead. Despite the disturbances I had created in nature, I slowed down, knowing the creature wouldn't be able to maintain its pace for much longer. I leaned against a tree, doubling over to recover my breathing rate.

Once my breathing had slowed, I stood up, fully aware of the fact that dusk was falling. Where was I going to spend the night? The realisation dawned on me, I had no food, water, shelter and worst of all no weapons or any form of defence. I bit my lip, uncertainly.

I heard a crack behind me. Whirling around to detect the source of the sound, I saw a dark shape swooping down. I let out a strangled cry as it landed on top of me, pinning both my legs and an arm to the forest floor. Pain coursed through my limbs, I fought to remain conscious.

Flailing my free arm around, in search of a something to hit my pursuer with. My fingers wrapped around an abandoned branch. I swung it at the creature, who in response howled in agony. My hand wavered, pondering on the thought of killing an animal. I shook my head, annoyed at my incapability of tolerating bloodshed.

I kicked the beast's leg and punched its throat, the aim, its face have been missed. It did however result in a great amount of damage as well as stupefying it for a few seconds. Using the remainder of my energy, I pushed it off me, rolling onto my feet, ungracefully so I might add. I readied myself in the typical fighting stance, feet apart and fists clenched in front of me, expecting an attack. It didn't come.

I looked closer at the creature, maybe it had been injured. A stream of blood was dripping down its neck, a gasp escaped my mouth. I immediately reacted, moving to stand in front of the beast. I clamped both of my hands on the wound, in attempt of stopping the flow, if my blows weren't enough to kill the poor animal, it was definitely going to die of blood loss.

I wouldn't let an animal die on my behalf. I had to get it out of here. Take it to safety. The only thing I needed right now was time, which was something I was definitely running out of.

And quick.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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