Chapter Ten

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Aiden's P.O.V

I gazed warily at the setting sun. I had never believed that it had been worthy of worship. Yes, it appeared to cast light on the dark and enlighten our world every day. Yes, it was said that a single sunbeam could drive away many shadows. Yes, it granted us with the gift of colours. But so what, it was just another incarnation of evil. Of course if I expressed my thoughts to anyone else, I would be kicked out of the city for treason.

The feeling of unease was spreading. If I didn't tell someone about the whole Sun, Moon business, I could guarantee myself going insane.

Maybe Michael... He was my best friend... But would he understand its seriousness?

Still deep in thought, I sighted Oliver stalking towards his cabin. That was it. Oliver. I could tell him.


My knuckles rattled against the door of Oliver's cabin. It flung open. An annoyed Oliver stood there, his face flushed in fury, mouth twisted into a menacing scowl, eyebrows furrowed, deep creases lined his forehead. I froze, my own face paled. I had never felt panic before, it was not a pleasant feeling.

"Uhh..." my trembling voice trailed off.

"If you need something then go to Lucas. I'm not in the mood to quarrel with a prime," Oliver snapped, using the slang for a first-year-apprentice.

"No. I had to talk to you but if you don't want to, then I can always come back. It wasn't even that important, just some stuff about The Sun and Moon," I accidently blurted, clasping a hand across my mouth.

Something in Oliver's expression changed, he looked almost hungry for me to continue. He invited me inside, I noticed the slightest of reluctance in the gesture. Then I saw his cabin...

Wine bottles littered the floor, the stale stench of alcohol lingered in the atmosphere, clothes were strewn across the furniture, shattered glass shards were piled up in a corner. A gasp escaped my mouth. Oliver pulled me over to a table, I sat on the rickety chair.

"So, what secrets are you keeping, are you a spy for The Darks in disguise, they did tell me there was someone like me out there... hm... I wonder if that's you," Oliver's tone didn't fool me, I could detect the malice in it.

Someone like him, what was that supposed to mean?

"Why would I be spying for The Darks, besides my uncle is the mayor and it's my turn next. And why would I tell you if I was?" I didn't want to give too much away to this guy, what had made me think I could trust him.

"Didn't mean to intrude your privacy prime, it was just a question. In this world, anyone can easily pretend to side with one whereas their true loyalties lie elsewhere," he shook his head.

"So you're questioning my loyalty. Are you serious, aren't I supposed to be the one whose all suspicious about you after what you just said-"

"Yeah, well listen to this prime, I ain't saying it again. Keep your long nose out of others' businesses, just cause' you're the mayor's nephew doesn't mean you can be a snob. I'm talking from experience here, my father 'the great solider commando' had heaps of fame, I was treated likewise but I hated it. The career of a soldier commando was open for me, I was expected to follow my father's footsteps but I ran away. Then I came here, the rival city of my hometown and trained as a regular soldier."

My jaw went slack. Oliver was a Dark!?

"Hold up, you're telling me that you are a Dark, how did the Blessed accept you? Didn't they ever consider the fact that you could a spy? And what in the world does a soldier commando do that's different to a normal soldier, other than the fact that they are specially trained?" my head could've just about exploded.

He grinned humourlessly, "Oh you little Blessed citizens don't know half of it. Soldier Commandos are specially selected by The Sun, for you guys and The Moon for The Darks, they are the main army of the gods and they fight on one condition, that whoever wins claims control of the country."

This was new to me, I had to tell Nikki about this...


Emily's P.O.V

Mentally preparing myself, I released a withheld breath. Caileigh looked expectantly at me, I nodded at her unasked question and she pushed the heavy doors inward. The scene greeting my eyes was unexpected. The level of shock I had prepared myself for was descending rapidly.

People stood in a semicircle, watching me. My eyes found and locked on another pair of vibrant blue eyes, the face stretched into a wide grin, she stepped forward to introduce herself.

"Hello, I'm Rebecca."

I smiled in gratification at her friendly approach, before I could reply, Caileigh instructed Rebecca to escort me to my room and fill me in on the basics. Rebecca gave a curt nod, acknowledging her. She gently laid a hand on my arm and beckoned me with her eyes to follow, I obliged.

Once we were out of earshot, Rebecca's expression went blank. I felt my smile weakening. Great, the one person who I'd thought would actually befriend me was also having second thoughts about me. Really?! Why me??? Was Aidan like the only person able to accept me for who I was?

Rebecca's blue eyes hardened into ice, the blond locks framing her face suddenly didn't seem to compliment my assumption of a sweet, helpful girl. She placed her hands on my shoulders and shook me, violently. It seemed as if her irises would shoot electric arcs of lightning, combusting every cell of mine.

"This is all because of you, I have to bear this curse every living second and everything is your fault! You should be the one enduring all the pain, not me. You think you're so smart just because your mother was the great Keitha Wilson but you were never told the truth. When you chose to become a warrior, you didn't realise whose side you were really on, did you? Caileigh and others don't know yet, but I do, I know who -what- you are."

I pulled back, confused. Rebecca blinked twice, before meeting my gaze once more, I stepped back, wanting to get away from her. Rebecca gasped sharply, her legs gave way and she collapsed. Before she hit the ground, I grabbed her arms and gently laid her. Ignoring the confusion that gripped me, I raced back towards the others.

Panting, I pushed the door open. "Rebecca....passed out...near my cabin...don't know...why," I managed to stammer that much before I was roughly shoved aside as everyone left to check Rebecca. One of the girls lingered behind.

Her chocolate brown eyes probably looked gorgeous normally, but when she glared at me like that it froze my blood. Her light brown locks were pulled into a low side pony. I felt my heart beat slow down. Even when Rebecca had yelled at me, she didn't look nearly half as frightening as this girl. Bending down, to level with me, she spoke.

"What did you do to Rebecca? How dare you touch her. I might not be at full strength right now, but I will never forgive you for this. I swear everyday you spend here, will be worse than The Fields of Punishment, down in the underworld. And I will live up to my promise, this is for Rebecca."

I swallowed the lump building up in my throat, hoping to say something that would throw this girl off her feet. Before the chance arrived, someone entered the room. "Stephanie, hurry! Rebecca's getting worse, we need you," a tall brunette urgently explained. Stephanie nodded. She turned to sprint out the door, before realising about me. She swivelled around and punched my jaw, none too soft. I groaned in pain, my vision reddening. Then the world went black.

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