chapter one: harley

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A/N: the idea for this mission was given to me by my biggest fan and one of my best readers Letterlove90

A mysterious gang of highly dangerous killers everyone inside of the Wayne Enterprises building hostage, including Bruce Wayne himself. Amanda Waller sends Task Force X to take care of the gang and free the hostages.

Harley sat in her cell watching Looney Toons on her phone. June had visited her a few hours ago to tell her that World War III had officially begun, so she decided to sit and wait for the guards to barge in and drag her out for the next mission.

Sure enough, they did. This time, they were even more rough than they usually were.

"Play nice now, boys. I might just have to tell Mistah J on ya. You don't want that now do ya?" she teased.

"Pipe down, crazy!" one of the guards said as they secured her to a wheelchair.

"Ya know what. I think I like you. Can I tell you a little secret?" she said to him.

He leaned down to let her tell him what she wanted, and she bit down on his ear as hard as she could. She tore it off without any problem then spit it in the guy's face.

One of the other guards sighed. "Well, that's what he gets for getting too close to her. You gotta learn dude."

Harley just laughed. None of the guards recently had been dumb enough to get within ten feet of her without a weapon.

"Dumbass." she laughed as they wheeled her out.

They loaded her onto the same plane as Deadshot. She hoped that they would've put J in the same prison, but alas, no such luck. They unfortunately hadn't been dumb enough to do that.

"How's it goin' Deaddy?" she asked him.

"Well, we're strapped to chairs being sent to our deaths. I'd say we ain't doin' too great." he replied.

"Awh, where's that optimism at?"

"I think I left it back at Belle Reve. Maybe we could get the pilot to turn back around."

"That's too bad. I was hopin' we could have some fun." she said, grinning.

"What kinda fun?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, ya know. The best kind. Where a whole bunch'a people die."

She let out a giggle while he laughed and nodded.

"Ain't it?"

"Yeah. Yeah, it is."

It wasn't a long ride to where they were going, only an hour, maybe.

The doors opened and they were in a military airfield. Guards came into the plane and wheeled the two of them off. As soon as they undid Harley's restraints, all of the guards ran away as fast as they could. She guessed that they had heard about earlier. She looked around and saw the Joker standing there in handcuffs.

"Puddin'!" she squealed, jumping up and running over to him.

She threw her arms around him and squeezed him for a few minutes, until she realized that he was still handcuffed.

"Hey! You!" Harley yelled to a frightened guard with keys in his hand. "Yeah you! Unlock him right now!"

He threw the keys to her and she frantically unlocked the handcuffs.

"Hey baby." he said, laughing. She hugged him again.

"This is gonna be fun." he whispered in her ear.

This was going to be fun.

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