chapter two - alayna

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Alayna sat in the helicopter with June and Rick. ISIS had killed every family member she knew, so there was nobody to take custody of her once she returned. Thankfully, Davis had adopted her as his daughter so she wouldn't have to live in a foster home.

"What do you think it is this time?" she asked them.

"I don't know, but we're about to fight in World War III so be ready for anything." Rick told her.

"Anyone new?" June wondered.

"Yeah. Red Devil, Amazon, Candyman, Joker, and Laura Fries."

"Sounds fun." Alayna said.

They sat in silence for the rest of the ride. When she got out, the entire squad was standing in a big semi-circle.

"Alayna!" Harley yelled, waving to her like a little kid.

She looked at all the new members of the squad.

They all looked relatively normal, except Laura Fries, who had snow falling around her.

Amanda then walked and stood in the center of the group.

"Listen up! I'm only going to explain this once. A gang of highly dangerous serial killers has taken over the entire Wayne Enterprises Building, with Bruce Wayne inside. You are to go in, take out the gang, and free the hostages."

"I'm sorry, what?" Captain Boomerang asked, leaning in like he was trying to hear her.

She held up the phone that controlled his bomb and he shut his mouth.

"Alright then."

Everyone got suited up and prepared to fight. Joker was looking at everyone while Harley changed like he would kill them if they even tried to look. He probably would. It took a while, but they finally got everyone into the plane. Harley was refusing to sit down and being even more of a four year old than usual. Laura had sat down next to Harley at first, but quickly changed seats after she realized that she was screwed. Unfortunately, she sat down next to Alayna instead. She immediately began to shiver.

"Sorry. I have that effect on people." Laura said with a monotoned voice.

"That's okay, Laura."

"Don't call me that." she replied, sounding like Alayna had offended her in some way.

"Then what should I call you?"

"FREEZUS!" Harley shouted from the other end of the plane.

"Freezus?" Deadshot asked.

"Yeah, like Yeezus. Kanye West?"

"Oh my god." he said, facepalming.

"Winter. My friends call me Winter. Well, they would if I actually had any."

"That's tough." Harley piped up.

"So they do say that about your head."


"Need a little ice for that burn?"

Harley then tried to throw herself across everyone in order to swing at Winter. Luckily Joker grabbed her before she could get very far, even though she probably wouldn't have done much damage.

"I could have had her!" She screamed.

A/N: hey loves! please be sure to share this story with your friends, and thank you for the positive feedback so far!

-xoxo Harley Quinn

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