chapter six - harley

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Harley stared straight at the task in front of her and grinned.

"This is gonna be fun." she said to Amazon, who was standing next to her.

"You do realize that we're probably going to get killed, right?"

"Don't threaten me with a good time." Harley replied.


Deadshot, who was ahead of her, flung open the heavy metal door to the building and began mowing down everyone in the lobby. The door closed behind her, triggering an emergency alarm and locking it. The others couldn't get in, and she couldn't get out.

"Harley! What the hell did you do?" Rick yelled into her earpiece.

"The door just closed! Your dumb ass should'a warned me!" she yelled back.

"Watch it."

"Sorry, not sorry. So what are we gonna do?"

"We'll have to find another way in. Don't move your ass from that lobby, got it?"

"Got it." she said, rolling her eyes.

As soon as the headpiece turned off she turned to Deadshot.

"Looks like we've got time to kill." he told her.

"And people." Harley grinned while examining her bat.

She began to walk away but he grabbed her arm.

"Not so fast. Rick told us to stay put. I'm telling you to stay put."

"Well you aren't my daddy." she replied, pulling herself free and continuing to walk.

She could hear him sigh behind her.

Since the clearing team couldn't get in, they figured that they could start the job themselves. That quickly proved to be a bad idea.

They walked cautiously through a maze of cubicles until Deadshot shoved her into one as shots rang out. He grunted and winced while Harley collected herself off the floor. She saw blood running from his shoulder.

"Aww, you did that to save me."

"Yeah. Your boyfriend would kill me if anything happened to you."

"Can you still shoot?" she asked.

"I just got shot. You and me are staying right here and waiting for the others, because next time you won't be so lucky."

"Ugh, fine." she said, sliding down the wall beside of him.

"Quinn? We got in, where the hell are you?" Rick yelled into her ear.

"Um, we had a bit of a problem. We're on the second floor and Deaddy's got a bullet in his shoulder." she explained.

"Dammit!" he yelled even louder before the transmission ended.

"Well. He didn't sound too happy." Harley said.

"You think?" 

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