chapter four - jack

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Jack had never been one to lie to himself, but he was already starting to fight his feelings for Winter less than two hours after meeting her. Sure, she had an icy personality and a cold disposition, but she seemed to warm up to him. That had to mean something, right?

He walked beside of her as the squad made their way to Wayne Enterprises.

"Who do you think's gonna get blown up first? I'd say Harley." he whispered to her.

"I don't know, but it isn't Harley. She might act like a five year old all the time, but she is pretty smart. She was my doctor at Arkham."

"I didn't know that you were in Arkham. You aren't crazy though."

"That's sweet of you to say but, you're dead wrong. The Bat brought me in after he killed my father. I mean, it isn't my fault that he killed my dad before he could finish his work. I had no choice." she explained.

"His work?"

"You see, my mom got really sick after I was born. There's no cure for the disease, so my dad cryogenically froze her until he could find a cure. Well, the guys he worked for found out and pulled the plug on the whole operation. Somewhere in there my dad had an accident where his equipment exploded and made him unable to live outside of sub-zero temperatures. In order to take care of me, he gave me an injection that allowed me to live in and outside of those conditions, but it also gave me my powers. My dad turned to a life of crime after that, robbing banks and killing people to fund his research for the cure. Once Batman killed him, there was nobody left to find the cure but me, so I had to get money the same way. All I want to do is save my mother. She's all I have left and I'd do anything to get her out." Winter told him.

"Wow. Well, I mean, that's pretty messed up that you have to do that. But that still doesn't make you insane."

"Oh trust me, when they brought me in I was. I was hysterical. I wouldn't stop screaming and fighting the orderlies. They wouldn't let me help her."

"Well, I don't care what diagnosis they gave you. You're too pretty to be insane." he said.

She blew him an icy kiss that left stinging frost on his cheek, but he didn't care.

"Hey! Candyman, you gonna keep flirting with Frosty the SnowWench or are you gonna keep up?" Harley called out to them.

They had been too focused on their conversation to notice that they had fallen behind.

"She has a point." Rick added.

"Sorry! We'll keep up!" Jack responded.

"So, ice powers, not natural?" he asked Winter.

"Nope. I have another vial of the stuff my dad gave me, but I still can't figure out what was in it that turned me into this."

"Well, you might have to inject me with some of that before I become too expendable."

"We'll see." she said with a smirk.

They walked in silence for a while.



"Amazon would definitely be the first to get blown up. I mean, she's a feminazi with a sword, how smart can she be?"

Oh he definitely liked this girl.

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