chapter five - june

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June was pretty confident in this mission. After the last one, she figured she could handle a tower full of gang members without a problem, especially now that she didn't need her spellbook. They had more SEALs, and more meta humans this time. Rick also wasn't as worried about her this time. 

She knew it wasn't good for him to be distracted by her safety on missions, so she planned to stick by him the whole time. The two of them had been walking side by side in the front, but she could still hear the conversation between Candyman and Winter. It was sweet that he cared about her so much. Harley and Joker were still acting like themselves. Ivy would occasionally make comments to June about the two. It was obvious that she didn't like the Joker.

They eventually made their way to Wayne Enterprises. The tower was huge and there were about five heavily armed guys by the doors.

"Deadshot, you think you could snipe them without raising the alarms?" Rick asked after the the squad had ducked into an alley.

"Is that really a question?" he replied and began climbing the fire escape to the top of the building they were behind.

A few minutes later, they knew he had been successful when they heard the sound of bodies hitting the ground.

"Alright. Now that that's out of the way, here's the plan." he began, pulling out a tablet with the floor plans of Wayne Enterprises.

"Bruce Wayne's office is on the top floor. He's in there, and in order to ensure his safety, we're gonna have to get him first. Alayna, do you think you could do a teleportation spell to get you and about six SEALs onto the roof?"

"Uh, I think I can. I'll only be able to take two at a time though." she said.

"That's fine. You and the SEALs need to subdue the people holding Wayne hostage in the quietest way possible. Contact us as soon as you do. Now, for everyone else. Winter, Ivy, Candyman, and about ten seals are going to go and clear the path for us to rescue the hostages. We're going to take out everyone in the lobby, then you guys are going to go along and clear the floors until you reach the top. Make sure we aren't killing any civi's okay? Let us know whenever you clear a floor. The rest of you are going to follow my orders as we go, okay?"

Everybody nodded in understanding, and she saw Jack and Winter smirk at each other.

They ran across the street and around the back of Wayne Enterprises. Alayna looked nervous. She had never used her magic like that before.

It's time to see what everyone can do. She thought. 

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