chapter seven - alayna

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Alayna was trying to not freak out. There were six SEALs and a Gotham billionaire depending on her. That's a lot of pressure to put on a 15 year old girl.

"Are you ready to go, miss?" One of the SEALs asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah let's go." she said.

"How's it going on the lock?" he yelled to his comrades.

"We got it, Lieutenant!" one of the men by the door replied.

"Let's go then." the Lieutenant told her.

The other seals flung the door open and charged down the stairs with Alayna behind them. They got to Bruce Wayne's office and looked around. There were gang members lying on the floor, not dead but unconscious, and instead of Bruce Wayne, Batman was standing there.

"Batman?" she asked.

"Who are you?"

"Alayna. We're a part of Task Force X. Where's Bruce Wayne?"

"He's safe. Don't worry. Make sure these guys stay down. I'll start making my way down." he told them.

"Wait. I'll come with you. I have powers, I can help." she said.


The two made their way down the stairwell and onto the next floor.

"So, who else is a metahuman?" Batman asked as they made sure there were no hostages on that floor.


"Because, Amanda Waller gave me the files of the metahumans in her custody, and you were not on her list."

"That's because I'm not in her custody. I'm not a criminal. I was kidnapped by ISIS as a child and they used me as a weapon. The squad came and rescued me, so I chose to join to repay them for saving me." she explained.


They checked the next three floors without any problems, but they weren't so lucky on the fourth. A gunman appeared behind Batman and Alayna deflected the bullets back at the man. Batman looked at her oddly as she went to grab the man's gun. She checked his pulse in the process and there was none.

"Before you start lecturing me about morals, it was you or him. I don't enjoy doing it, but I will if I have to. Those are my morals so don't try to change them." Alayna told him bluntly.

"All I was going to say is damn. There aren't many metahumans who can do that." he replied.

"Yeah, well I've had a lot of practice. It seems like that guy was alone, let's hit the next floor."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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