Chapter Eleven

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Harley's POV

"Harley." I was shaken from my deep slumber. My eyes opened wide and were meet with my grandfather's light blue eyes, the familiar crinkles around his eyes told me he was smiling. "Come on son," He laughed.

I nodded my head and pushed the covers off. I hopped into the bathroom while I shoved my legs into my pants, nearly tripping and falling flat on my face. I was still groggy when I made my way outside five minutes later. The sky was a dark navy blue, almost black, in the morning air.

Groaning I jumped in the cab of the truck where my father and grandad were already waiting. "Mornin' Har." My dad grinned as my grandad started down the driveway, the fishing gear already loaded in the back.

I grunted a hello causing both of them to laugh. They were always so chipper in the early mornings and it usually takes me longer to wake up. But I loved the feeling of waking up, as weird as that sounds.

We drove for thirty minutes before I saw the familiar lake in the headlights. It was still dark out and I knew that it would stay that way until we've been on the lake for a while.

At the loading area I helped my dad guide the boat into the water as Grandad back it in. Tying it to the dock I let out a breath, it was too early to do anything too strenuous. My dad was loading the boat as I leaned against the dock post.

Finally we were on our way into the middle of the lake, I grabbed my rod and started to fiddle with the line.

We didn't catch anything for at least an hour and by then the sky was turning into a beautiful sunrise with pink and orange hues. It was a sight to see and it reminded me of Caroline.

She'd have loved this, not the fishing part but the sunrise. Plus she probably would have made this not catching anything into a Caroline joke and we'd all be laughing.

My dad was a competitive person and he didn't believe in wasting time. If we didn't catch anything he was going to be pissy for the rest of the day and half of tomorrow.

"How's Care?" Grandad asked out of nowhere, he must have seen me smiling.

"Great." I nodded, "She's interning at a publishing house for the summer, so I don't get to see her as often as I'd like." Care was busy as she chased her dream but I couldn't be the one to stop her. Even though I just wanted her to stay by my side for the rest of my life.

"And the Army?" He questioned.

I shrugged, "I haven't decided anything yet."

He nodded appreciatively, he understood the huge decision and was pleased I was taking this seriously.

"You're a going to be a great young man." He laughed, padding my shoulders when his line gave a tug. "Oh, boy." He grunted as he started to reel it in. "He's a bigin'."

Smiling I watched as my Grandad and father both caught four fish each and I was left with a small sunny.

"Always tomorrow." My Grandad would remind me whenever I caught little to nothing. I nodded my head and walked back to the truck.


Caroline was wrapped in my arms as I lay awake, staring at the ceiling. I was too afraid to go to sleep, I was afraid of what I'd see. What I'd remember.

My arm twitched and she snuggled into my chest. The smell of her hair wafted to my nose and I felt my lips twitching into a smile. I've missed this, I've missed her. She was my whole world and I never wanted to leave her side again. Never.

Plus now I had a son to think about. It's crazy to think I had a son, a son I never knew until a few days ago. A son that I'd missed without even knowing. Oliver was so amazing and talented, just like Care.

"Harley?" Her sweet voice whispered sleepily and on instinct I held her tighter to me. "I love you."

She was still asleep, causing me to grin broadly and kiss her forehead. "I love you too baby girl."

My eyes grew heavy while my body grew warm and then I was floating.

"Mommy!" A young voice yelled and I flinched, Quickly I opened my eyes only to see Oliver climbing into the bed. Letting out a small sigh of relief I offered the young boy a grin.

Caroline stirred in my arms, her eyes fluttering open and landing on our son.

Oliver jumped excited as he wormed his way in between us. "We get to go fishing today!"

"Sure do, Ollie." She responded while sitting up and placing a quick kiss on his forehead. "Come on, let's get you ready for the day." She picked him up and took him from the room.

Watching as Caroline cared our son out of the room I was hit with a wave of sadness. I'd missed his whole life. I'd missed the chance to raise Oliver with Caroline. She knew all the little things that made Oliver who he was and I hardly knew anything about him.

Groaning I slipped out of bed and followed my little family to the kitchen where Care was pouring cereal for all of us.

"Hey buddy." I ruffed up Oliver's hair as I passed him by. I saw his face light up and I couldn't help but feel a little better at the love in his eyes. I kissed Care on her cheek and took the bowl she handed to me.

"Sleep well?" I asked Ollie who was slurping down his food in a fast motion.

He nodded but didn't say anything, he didn't have time by the looks of it.

"The fish will be there all day." Caroline smiled as she watched him in amusement.

"But all the good ones will be taken." He pouted as he slowed his eating habits.

Smiling I thought of my Grandad, he'd be proud that his great grandson was fishing obsessed. I can't believe my father's never taken him if I'm being honest, he loved fishing just as much as his old man.

After we'd finished with our breakfast Oliver began bouncing around the house enthusiastically, chanting nonsense the whole time. He giggled when Caroline kicked him out of the house while she packed up our lunch in a basket.

Playing in the front lawn with Oliver gave me a joy that I didn't know I'd been capable of. Father and Son wrestling in the front yard, like a normal family.

Caroline came outside with the basket in hand and made her way to the car where she called us over. "Alright boys, let's get a move on."

We ran to her in a full out sprint and Oliver giggled when he got to her first. I had to hand it to the kid, he was fast.

The lake was a little over twenty minutes away and I smiled in the rearview mirror when I saw Oliver asleep. He wore himself out with all the excitement he'd been building in that little body of his. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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