Chapter Eight

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 I woke to screaming and the thrashing of blankets next to me. Confused I turned over to see Harley writhing in the sheets, sweat glistening on his horror struck face.

“Harley?” I asked, should I shake him? I’m not sure that would be the best idea, but I need to stop whatever was happening. “Harley?”

“Care, no.” His voice angry for a second and I flinched from the tone. “Fucking touch her.” He mumbled thrashing harder.

“Harley, please.” I pleaded grabbing his arm to calm him.

“No.” He shouted his eyes opening wide as he gripped my wrist tightly. He seemed surprised to see me, “Care?” He whispered in disbelief. “God, I’m sorry.”

He released his hold on my wrist but moved his hand up to cup my face. I gave him a smile, “It’s okay.”

“No it’s not baby girl.” He sighed, his eyes holding mine in the light of the moon. “I could have hurt you. I couldn’t live with myself if I did.”

“But you didn’t. I’m fine.” I snuggled into his side and he pulled me closer by wrapping his arms around my waist and intertwining our legs. “I missed you so much.” I whispered.

“I missed you too.” He told me kissing my hair softly. “I still can’t believe this is real.”

“Me either.” I smiled closing my eyes again. “I love you.” I muttered on the edge of sleep.

He laughed slightly and kissed my hair again. “I love you too.”



I rolled over, feeling cold and alone. Confused I looked around the room and everything was where it should be. Was yesterday even real? My heart dropped and tears pooled in my eyes at the thought.

Jumping out of bed I ran down the hallway to Oliver’s room. His door was open but he usually sleeps with it shut so I wasn’t really surprised to find it empty.

“Oliver?” I asked making my way down the stairs. It wasn’t unusual for Oliver to get his own breakfast so I figured he’d be in the kitchen. But I heard the sizzling of grease. “Oliver. How many times has mommy told you..” I trailed off, my heart stuttering at the figure in front of me. So it was real.

I instantly smiled as they both looked up at me. Harley was helping Oliver flip pancakes while watching what looked like bacon on the burner.  “Sorry.” I shook my head.

“Look what I did.” Oliver shrieked excitedly as he pointed to the pile of pancakes on the plate beside him.

“And to think he never made pancakes before.” Harley smiled down at him with pride causing my heart to swell. “The kids a natural.”

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