Chapter 1

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Sakura pov

I was in the middle of my training session with a few kids when an ANBU came to me. "Sakura-san, you are to report to the Hokage in 15 minutes." I nodded and they bowed and were gone.

I turned to look at my students. "I'm afraid that's all for today! I'll see you next week, same time." My cute students nodded.

"Hai, Sakura-sensei!" Moegi said. She had been inspired by my training with the Sannin, so she asked me to train her.

"ALRIGHT! I'M GONNA GO AND GET SOME DANGO!" Yelled a boy. His name was Fumio. He reminded me of how Naruto was back in our genin days. Well..actually, he still acts like that, so scratch that.

"Hn." This boy reminded me of...him. Antisocial, gloomy, doesn't like talking.

"Oi! Say something other than grunt!" Exclaimed Fumio.

"Hn. Loser."

"What?! You're a goody two shoes!"

Their fight continued and finally Moegi put a stop to them. By punching their heads, just like what I would do. I started sprinting towards the Hokage tower. After I got to the actual village, I walked to my house to get changed into a fresh set of clothes.

I took a quick shower and slipped on the regular clothes I would wear if I'm not on a mission. A yellow shirt underneath my usual sleeveless, red Haruno shirt, with a dark blue skirt, and my sandals with the heels. I petted my orange tabby cat, Mrs. Pickles, then I got out of my house and locked the door.

I wonder how he was... Was he safe? Did he find what he was looking for? No, he doesn't matter anymore, remember? We're a strong, independent kunoichi! I nodded to myself. Before long, I was at the door to Shishou's office. I stiffened as a heard voices. "I'm glad that he's finally back! Sakura-chan will be so happy!" Hm..sounded like Naruto.

I knocked on the door and I heard a, "Come in!" So I did. Lady Tsunade was at her desk, with her hands folded, with Shizune standing beside her, holding Ton Ton. There was also Kakashi and Naruto. I bowed to my teacher and asked, "What is it you needed, Lady Tsunade?"

"Well, you see--"

"SASUKE IS BACK, DATTEBAYO?!" Naruto yelled.

"Could you yell any louder, Dobe?" A voice asked behind me. I turned around to look at the newcomer.

"Ah! Sasuke, you're back! So, any luck?"

"Hn... No one wants an S class criminal staying in their hotel/apartment."

"Well, then that means you have a choice--you can stay with Naruto, Kakashi, or Sakura."

"OH, OH, CHOOSE ME!" Naruto yelled, jumping around, and I face palmed.

"Baka! Be quiet and let Sasuke decide!" I muttered after hitting him. I really, really, realllllllly didn't want Sasuke staying at my place.

Sasuke pov

Sakura definitely changed. She is more...matured and developed. In some places. Her curves are perfect, and her petite form was in shape, with her smooth, creamy skin showing at her arms and legs. She definitely isn't a fangirl anymore, and she dropped the 'kun' at the end of my name.

A voice brought me out of my trance. "Ah! Sasuke, you're back! So, any luck?"

Of course I didn't have any luck trying to find a place to live! And now Naruto wants me to live with him, for now. It was either him, Kakashi, or Sakura.

"Not the Dobe. He doesn't have enough room."

"I don't have a spare room." Kakashi said shrugging.

"Hai! I guess you'll be staying with me for now. I have a spare bedroom at my house, as long as if you're okay with a cat." Sakura chirped. I made eye contact with her. She seemed happy, but her eyes were troubled. She quickly turned away and said, "Well, if that all you have for me, I'll be on my way. I need to get groceries." Sakura quickly left, and Naruto growled and said, "If you try anything with Sakura-chan, you'll regret it."

I nodded my head and went to follow Sakura to ask for directions to her house.

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