Chapter 8

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Sakura pov

After finishing off the slightly burnt french toast, I went back upstairs to my room to change. I wore many layers, along with two pairs of gloves, and three pairs of socks. As I was zipping up the last jacket, Naruto knocked on my door. "Oi, Sakura-chan! Are you almost ready?"

I opened the door. "Hai! Let's go downstairs and plan our first move." As soon as everyone was situated, I began. "We have a meeting today with the Chief--"

"That was canceled due to another disappearance." Sai added.

"Why would you not tell me that?" I asked, frustrated that they would forget to tell me about an important event.

He shrugged. "I thought Traitor would've told you."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, let's just go."

"Where to?"

"One of you will go to the station with me, and the others can talk to the locals, meanwhile me and the other person can get a warrant to search anywhere we want!"

"Good idea Sakura-chan!"

Sasuke pov

Just my luck to be paired with Sakura. I accidentally replayed the scene when I saw her in the towel... Don't be creepy Sasuke! I grunted quietly and slipped on my jacket, heading out the door. We headed to the Chief's to get more information on the missing people and, of course, the warrant. As we stepped into the slightly warmer building, the receptionist greeted us. It was a guy, for once, but he really annoyed me when he glanced at me, but stopped to study Sakura.

"How may I assist you?" He asked, directly more to Sakura than me. She seemed surprised at first, but quickly regained her formal appearance.

"Oh, hi! We're from the Leaf, and we're here to investigate the disappearances."

I mentally shook my head, chuckling. Why would you try and act intimidating, but come off as a cheerful person? The receptionist's eyes got a little bigger, and he motioned for Sakura to lean in a bit more. I tried to lean in as well, but I only got a few bits and pieces of the conversation.

Sakura backed up and nodded. "I'll try and look into that, but there's no definite guarantee that we'll find her."

The young man sighed and smiled sadly. "Thank you for at least trying." Sakura nodded again.

"So...are we allowed to get a warrant, or not?"

"I'll check right away!" After a few awkward minutes of silence, he looked up from his computer frowning. "It seems you can't. Try again in a month or two."

"Are you absolutely sure? By then, plenty of people are going to be missing!"

"Sakura, let's go." I wanted to get away from the guy.

"Wait! I don't think I got your full name.." He muttered shyly.

Sakura blushed a bit. "It's Sakura Haruno. You?"

"Hiroto Saitō."

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Hiroto! Bye!" I started half dragging her out the door. As soon as we got outside, she hit me. "What was that for? You don't need to babysit me, Sasuke-kun!" She mocked the kun at the end of my name.

"I didn't like that guy." I scowled, looking away.

She giggled. "Are you jealous, Uchiha?" Since when did she call us Uchiha?

"Why would I be?"

"You've got competition now!" She looked at my face, now walking in front of me, walking backwards. After seeing me scowl once again, she laughed. "Aww, Sasuke! Don't worry!" She punched my arm before walking in front of me again, now her back facing me. We headed back to the house, expecting Dobe and Sai to be done, but I guess not. Maybe the Dobe wanted some ramen or something.

"Sasuke! Do you want hot chocolate?" She laughed quietly after seeing my facial expression to anything sweet."Tea? Coffee? You know what, you can get your lazy butt off the couch and make something yourself! Meanwhile, I'm going to watch..." She sat down beside me and started scrolling through Netflix to see what was good. "Hm...what about, no... Sasuke, got any suggestions?"

I shrugged. "What're you into?"

"Drama, Comedy, Sci-Fi, just about everything."

I gave it some thought. "Stranger Things?"

"Are you kidding? I watched that in less than a week!"

"What about Bones?"

"Oh wow, I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff!" The truth is, I'm not...I just wanted to understand what Sakura always babbles about when the team meets up.

She clicked on it and layer back next to me. After 30 minutes, she fell asleep on my shoulder. I smiled slightly, and began drifting off too...

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