Chapter 11

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Sasuke pov

Her parents' death? Since when..? Oh wait. Naruto told me before. It's ironic how she finally knows how I feel.

"Remember? The B-ranked mission turned into an S-rank." I nodded, finally remembering. That explained her behavior and sloppy appearance.  "Baa-chan most likely forgot...well, Teme? What are you still doing here? Go after her!"

"Hn." I rolled my eyes and went to accompany Sakura.  The first thing I did was check the morgue, she was not there. Next, I checked the streets, and I saw a flash of pink for a short moment. I concentrated, trying to find her chakra signature. It was in...a flower shop? I entered right after she purchased flowers that reminded me of my mother's garden. I think they were Forget-Me-Nots. I cursed myself for remembering such an insignificant detail.

"Sasuke-kun? What are you doing here?" My attention snapped back to my teammate.

"Tch, Dobe wanted me to check on you."

She giggled lightly, and I glared at her in return. "Ne, Sasuke-kun, we should head ba–"

"What are those flowers for?"

"Eh? Oh, these!" She laughed nervously. "They're for a special someone." I narrowed my eyes and scowled. Probably for that one guy, what's his name?

"Tch, you're walking too slow." I grabbed her wrist and she jolted, as if shocked. I raised an eyebrow and Sakura apologized. Then, I teleported using the Body Flicker technique to get back to the house. Immediately after, I swiftly let go of her arm and went to my room.

Sakura pov

Sasuke was in a particularly foul mood, considering he just roughly grabbed me because I was "too slow", immediately let go after we'd gotten to the house, and stalked off to who knows where. "Naruto-kun, Sai."

"Hey Kura–chan!/Hey Ugly."

"Come down here. I need to tell you what I found out about the body."

"Okay! Go on..."

"No," I said firmly. "Where's Sasuke?"


"Hn. What do you want Dobe?" Naruto jumped. He had snack up behind all of us.

"Good! Now that you're all here, I can explain what happened to the body. The victim was a–"

A loud knock was heard and Sai stood up to answer the door. A short moment later, he returned saying, "Ugly, it's your boyfriend. He said something about another body. And he has a surprise for you."

I looked at my teammates, rolled my eyes after Naruto exchange glances with Sasuke and Sai, and got up. "Ah, Sakura-san!"

"Hiroto-san!" I greeted.

"Er...well, Sakura-san, I was wondering if you'd want to go out with me sometime? I know you're busy, but I thought maybe you could–"

"Tch, she can't. Our mission was to investigate the body and find out what happened. Not go on dates with people we don't know."

"Sasuke! Stop being cruel! It was a simple gesture of kindness." Then I turned to Hiroto and said, "But, he is right. I have a lot of work cut out for me. My work is going to consume almost all of my free time. But–" Hiroto's face lit up with hope. "I'll check if I can squeeze a little time." After that I turned to glare at Sasuke.

"Is this the only reason you came?" Sasuke's words were harsh. I elbowed him so that he wouldn't say anything else.

"Ah, yes! In fact, there was another body found, so whenever you have the time, go check it out. Uh, see you later, then?" I smiled and nodded. Then Sasuke slammed the door in Hiroto's face.

"Sasuke!" I yelled. "Manners!"

"I don't need any."

"That is, by far, the worst reason I've ever heard for being rude."

"Tch, you're annoying."

"Well, you're stubborn!" I exclaimed, and sat back down, with the stupid Uchiha trailing behind me. "As I was saying, the first victim was a 27 year old man found a couple of miles away from the village. He was strangled to death, and there are signs of a struggle. There are also wounds from shuriken and kunai, so we might be dealing with ninja."

"Wow, Kura-chan! I didn't know you could figure this out by being a medic!" Naruto yelled idiotically.

"Anyone could've done that."

"Are you sure about that, Traitor? Why don't you examine the body that showed up today?"

I grinned evilly. "Yeah, why don't you, Sasuke-kun?" I asked mockingly. He just rolled his eyes at me and muttered under his breath. I grinned and focused my attention back to my phone.

"Ugh, and of course, there's no reception out here!" I shouted angrily.

"Shut up Ugly."

"You shut up Sai! Don't tell Kura-chan to shut up!"

"Defending your girlfriend, Dickless? Oh wait, you don't have one. You wish you did, though."

"That's it!"

I sighed and informed loudly, "I'm going to bed after I take a shower."

The only one that heard was Sasuke, who didn't care and grunted.

I went up the stairs and picked out my pyjamas, then stripped at soon as I was in the shower. As the warm water showered down on me, I thought of Sasuke. One minute he was this easy to get along with man, and the next he was ignoring you! It gets annoying after a while, and old too.

After my shower, I dried my hair and got dressed. Then I jumped into the comforting bed, planning to read a wee bit before going to sleep. I heard a knock on my door. I bit my lip. I swear if it's Naruto asking for food, I'm going to... "Yes?" I called out. "Come in. Unless you're Naruto."

I barely hid my surprise when the Uchiha walked in. "What are you doing in here, Sasuke?" He just stood there awkwardly. I sighed yet again, but said, "Here, you can sit in my bed."

Cautiously, he slowly sat in the very edge, until I pulled him in further. "Now that you're situated," I said in a sarcastic tone, "What brings you here?"

He mumbled something. "What?" I asked.

"I said I'm sorry." Then he turned away, almost ashamed.

"What for?" I racked my brain for a reason he would say sorry.

"For everything. Especially today." I narrowed my eyes and studied him. He still had the same nonchalant look, but his eyes held an emotion I wasn't used to seeing: contrition.

Hey readers... Just wondering, is my story boring right now? If so, leave behind suggestions, because I KNOW it's pretty dry right now. I'm always open to suggestions...

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