Chapter 6, Bounty Hunters

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"Stand down" They heard a deep voice call. Carolina and Wash stopped, gazing around them. Tons of bounty hunters stared at them, smiling.

"Man, how much money will two EX-Freelancers get us?" One asked.

"Simple. A lot." Another one replied. They readied their guns.

Carolina and Wash stared at each other. "Shit"

"Guys, no" One of them, who was wearing different coloured armour to the rest, gazed at the two who had talked, they then, looked over at Wash and Carolina. "Names Summer, and we ain't gonna shoot you, as long as YOU don't try anything, you are not who we're here for"

"What? Two EX-Freelancers aren't what your here for? Yeah right" Carolina stated, not trusting them. Her and Washs equipment and place in society would mark them as definite bounty hunter targets.

"I'm being honest. Though you are valuable, you are not the missions goal. Sides' this isn't even a true bounty hunter mission, more like gaining an attribute to prep for one"

"And... besides EX-Freelancers... who else could help you?" Washington asked.

Summer sighed. "That is confidential information"

"Hey Carolina, Wash, where are you?"  Carolina flinched, only to discover that it was her headcom. Tucker was talking to her through the radio installed in her helmet. She turned to Wash, and based on his face, she could tell he was getting the radio message too.

Summer looked away from the two. "Near my bunk. Where are you?" She whispered into her helmets microphone.

"Setting up a fort in the cafeteria. I'm here with... lets see. The Nerd, Pinks, Idiot and Old guy"

"Okay so Simmons, Donut, Caboose and Sarge. Where's Grif and Lopez?"

"Dude, if they're not with us, we don't fucking know"

"Summer, one of them just said Grif" A bounty hunter called. Summer turned around sharply and shot Wash in the leg.

"Wash!" Carolina called.

"Looks like you might be useful after all..." Summer told, harshness in her voice.

"What's going on over there? Hold on, bounty hunters are coming in. We need help! Urgentlidbcbdcbdhcsdb"

The radio blew over with static. Wash gave a frightened look over at Carolina. "Here's how this is going to work. I will ask you a question and YOU will answer it. Got it?"

"Depends" Carolina glared. "What's the question?"

"Where's Dex"

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