chapter 6

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Was I an idiot for imagining that it was only Sequoia and I sitting at this table?

Looking into each other eyes, that she was wearing my ring on her small hands, it was her feeding me and caressing my arms. Instead it was Nigel who wore an appreciative grin on his face, I on the other hand probably sported a permanent scowl on my face and I couldn't help but notice that she didn't look my way once, and god did it bother me. This was the first time, ever in my life, that I was envious of another man. Sequoia was across from me touching another man and all I can think about is beating him , then leaving with her in my arms.

But I couldn't do that, right?

This is a business meeting, and I came here to discuss business. I silently vowed to myself that I wouldn't say anything, even if it did silently kill me. I try to avert my eyes to a babbling Nigel, since I wasn't listening to a word he was saying; I wouldet it show that I wasn't paying any mind to his business talk, I nod my head in agreement to everything he said. I laugh when he laughs, or hum as a small indication that he knew I was 'paying attention '.

"So Justin, when you're not investing, what's your occupation? " Nigel asks, watching as the waitress pours another glass of red wine for his fiancé. He then raises his hand once the glass was half full, earning an eye roll from Sequoia. She still didn't like being told not to drink. "I know you must have a list full of things."

I chuckled softly and wiped my mouth, "Actually, outside of investments I have a business to run also." I look out of the corner of my eye to see sequoia's expression but she remains impassive. She was still hard to get to,just as she was four years ago. I clear my throat and continue to speak, "you see, my business is involved in new and innovative technology that can make life and the world we live in tolerable."

        Nigel nodded his head and turned to sequoia who was enjoying the glass of toxic liquid and whispered into her ear, causing her to perk up and laugh. I grip my fork angrily but I could help but be drawn to the soft sound of her laugh, god I need to get myself together . " sequoia here has her own business herself, tell him baby ."

         Sequoia's eyes widened as the attention of the table turned on her, "I don't like bragging unlike Nigel here," she joked, I wanted to storm out of this damn restaurant, they can't even joke around without me feeling the need to be an asshole about it. Instead of acknowledging their small exchange I continued to listen to every word that came out of this woman's mouth. "My photography company is pretty big in Europe, business is great and half of my left over revenues go to charities for women and children."

     And she's still amazing as ever.

        "That's absolutely wonderful," the awe in my voice was detectable as I wondered what else she was up to these days. Did she model herself? She was so god damn gorgeous it was hard to believe she didn't. Her green eyes still sparkle when she speaks of something she was passionate of, her shapely figure had gotten more defined and boy was it hard not to notice that, her accent was strong and sexy I would probably love to hear her moan for me one more time....god help me.

"Thank you, I try. It was tough at first but perseverance is the key."

Perseverance, eh? "Well you are right, keep pushing until you get what you want in life." I give her a smile in which she doesn't return, then turn my attention towards Nigel who was beaming at his wife. Everything she did, he was proud of it seemed; well she is sequoia she did no wrong in my eyes when I had her.

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