Chapter 1

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"Turn, no to your left- yes! Right there."


"Oh my god, Sequoia how many more do we have to do?"


I smirk from behind the camera, preparing my sarcastic remark as I clicked the button again. "As many as I feel like, why are you complaining? You literally have the best job in the world, Sura. " I pointed out, my fingers itched to readjust my lens again; my lips pursed to hold back a laugh as I watched Sura's facial expressions change as I spoke.

A huff escaped her lips as she did another pose, "A job you could have also-" here we go. Sura had been trying to get me into the modeling business for years, I've did a few ads and campaigns here and there but as far as anyone in the world knew; I was an amazing fashion photographer and bestfriend of Sura Giovanna, she was apart of the richest family in France and America. "- I mean you have the hair, body, personality! To top it off, you're adorable and young. You reach the requirements for our target audience!"

Target audience meaning horny teenage boys who will have my bikini pictures over his walls, no thanks.

I ignored Sura's rants as I took a few off guards, everyone I knew was telling me the same things. Jade and Ryan, the insane yet adorable couple, my father and mother, my stepsister Karina, and even my freaking neighbors! No one could respect my decisions, I didn't want to become a supermodel and I had my reasons: Privacy. Sura never got any and me being her friend, whenever I'm around her I never get any either.

Lord knows I needed that.

"I'm not modeling, Sura. Take five."

As soon as I told her that, various makeup artists , designers, interns, and assistants buzzed to life behind me. Shouting orders to each other while sura silently pouted while they fixed her hair, she hadn't said anything else about the topic but I knew I would hear about it at least two more times today. One thing I learned about Sura after only three years of friendship; she was persistent. When I first met her through my job, she insisted instantly that we have a sleepover claiming I was her bítch already. Surprisingly, I was not offended whatsoever maybe because I'm used to Jade still speaking to me as if we were highschool teenagers. Jade was a lot like Sura, and thats why we all got along although they often grilled me for being young and sexless, we've gotten along.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted when one of my employees informed that I had a visitor. A knowing grin stretched across my face as I watched him approach me, his grey eyes portrayed happiness and a smile stretched across his bearded face; My boyfriend, he was so youthful to be as stressed as he says he is. Before I could even say anything, he was pulling me into his strong arms while I grunted softly as he squeezed me.

"My little kitten." Nigel purred, his large fingers spread across my back and he presses me tightly against his chest. Nigel gave the best hugs, that's probably the only reason I was with him; kidding. "I've missed you."

I laughed a pulled my head from his chest, looking him in his eyes. "You saw me this morning." my tone teasing, mainly because I did see him hours ago but I was in a rush and so was he. Nigel's job was about to become more demanding, his construction company was expanding to the states and that required planning, organization, and most importantly, time. Of course I understood his situation because often there came times where I was the one leaving the country, he hated it.

Nigel wasn't much of the possessive type but when it came to being thousands of miles away, he wasn't the happiest. I couldn't even get a word in when calling him to tell him I was doing well, he would immediately shoot questions at me; when will you be back? Is work really that important? Come home to me darling, please? There are more explicit things said but they're a little too explicit.

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