chapter six.

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Am I gay? No definitely not, well.. No. What about bisexual? Still no. I pushed the thoughts away even though I knew the truth. It was only around 9:30 and I just wanted to sleep. My phone buzzed on my dresser.

TB BOY: Hey, sorry to bother you right after but I was wondering if you'd want to do that again sometime?

Me: Of course! (:

Justin seems so nice, and everything but I still don't know him that well, and I still didn't know what Jenna was talking about when she warned me about him. I don't see what could possibly be so bad about him. But, I didn't see what was so bad about Jenna either. My house phone rang so I quickly shot up to go grab it off the dock.

"Hello?" I spoke quietly through the phone, walking back to my room quietly trying not to wake my mom.

"Tyler!? Where have you been I've been trying to call all night.." Josh's voice spoke loudly through the speaker.

"I uh, sorry I was out." I stated running my eyebrows.

"Where?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Well uh, I went out with Justin." I said smiling as if he could see me.


I forgot I didn't tell him what taco bell boy's name was. "Uh, The guy from taco bell a few night's ago."

He didn't reply.

"Well, anyways, did you need something?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, just to tell you someone stole my phone today, so if you need anything Skype me."

"What!? Your phone got stolen!? How?"

"Well me and my mom were out for lunch and I left my phone at the table while I went to the bathroom and then my mom got up as well and left it there and someone took it." He sighed.

"That seriously sucks I'm sorry." I spoke, still in disbelief.

"Its cool, my moms buying me a new phone, but I gotta go, bye."

"Bye." I hung up the phone.

We live in such a quiet, nice town, it's weird that someone would steal Josh's phone. It really made me feel paranoid when I was leaving the house alone, which wasn't a lot considering Josh is my only friend. I decided it was finally time to lay down, but I still couldn't sleep, even though I wanted to, so bad.


I woke up to my phone ringing and it was Justin to my surprise. I answered even though I didn't want to, just not in the mood for a conversation, since I just woke up.

"Hello." I spoke, my voice dragging in a raspy way.

"Good Morning! How are you?" He asked cheerfully, I could hear him take a sip of something.

"Good morning, tired, how about you?"

"You sound tired, did you get enough sleep?" He spoke, ignoring my question.

"No, I fell asleep like an hour ago." I chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Its just that I usually wake up early."

"Don't worry about it, I would have woken up soon anyways." I sighed. 

"Well, I thought maybe we could hang out again sometime this week? Like go to the movies or something, whatever you like?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll just text you when a good time I could go would be, I have to go though, sorry." I said waiting for him to say bye.

"Oh, alright, I'll talk to you later, bye" he said hanging up first.

I set my phone down and stared up at the ceiling for a couple of minutes before finally jumping out of my bed after hearing my mom call my name.

"I'm trying to get a new stay at home job, but I'd still be working at the market every couple of days." My mom told me.

"Okay." I said, I didn't really care except that she'd be home more and I kind of like being along or just hanging out with friends when she's not here.

"Well, I'd be making more money, so I could give you more money to do things and whatever."

"That'd be nice." I slowly walked away.

I pulled out my phone and checked the date, there's only a week until school starts. I sighed and realized that I had no plans all week, but that's embarrassing, so I told Justin I could on Wednesday, two days. He agreed that that that would be a good day to hang out and we decided we would go to the movies.

I felt bored so I plugged in my headphones into my phone that had a decent charge and went for a walk. As I was passing the corner store I seen Jenna and her friend Leah walk out of the front doors so I quickly walked pass them attempting to avoid them, even though it was a bad attempt.

"Tyler!" Jenna called. I tried to act like I didn't hear.

"Tyler, I know you hear me! Come here!" She called again and I knew that it was in my best interest to not ignore her again.

"Yes?" I turned around and waited to them to catch up to me.

"I missed you!" She said hugging me, but she pinched me around my shoulder blades.

I winced and looked up and Leah who was just staring at the ground emotionlessly. I pulled out of Jenna's grasp and rolled my eyes when she wasn't paying attention.

"Well, I've gotta get going now, bye." I said turning away.

"Wait no, we hear you're dating Justin?" Jenna grinned.

"No? Were not, I'm pretty sure he likes me, but I'm straight." I stated.

"He told Leah, that you guys were dating." She said turning to Leah but she didn't pay any attention still.

"What!? Well it's not true.. I'm gonna go." I said walking off, ignoring Jenna calling me.

I seriously couldn't even believe that, I already told him I wasn't sure how I felt yet and I thought he could accept that, but no, he wants to go around and tell people were dating! I was so outraged I pulled out my phone and dialed his number.


Ring         Ring

"Hello?" He answered finally.

"Did you tell Leah and Jenna that were dating!?" I raised my voice over the phone.

"No, no Tyler.. Well, not exactly. Listen please don't be mad, I'll tell you everything."



I know I haven't updated on forever, but I don't always have motivation to write..

I would also like to say that school starts tomorrow, so that probably won't help but I hope you guys liked this, and it would/does mean so much to me if you could vote/comment.. Ty <3


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