chapter twenty one.

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Tyler's POV

Luckily the school week is over and I didn't have to go to any classes, see anyone I didn't like, or wake up before I can even properly function for two days! If you think about it, two days really isn't enough time away from school. But it gets even better, Josh is coming over tonight, but I actually dont know if this is good or bad because he says he has something to show me and talk to me about. Im not too sure what that really means, so saying I'm a little scared would be an understatement.

I tried to get ready for him to come over, like getting my room clean, even though it wasn't that bad in the first place. I put my piano in my closet, not thinking much of it. I got out a few extra blankets because even though its summer, Josh loves to be cozy even though I get extremely hot.

I asked my mom if I could borrow her van to go to the store so I get me and him some snacks and such so we wouldn't have to eat all my moms under 100 calories! snacks. As I was walkking around the store,I came across a sleeping mask which, I figured I should probably get because Josh sleeps with basically all of my lights on.

I quickly paid for everything I was buying and got out of the store. I got a few of my moms giant bowls and put all of the snacks I just bought in them and put them all in my room. I made my bed how I knew Josh would like it.

I'm kind of nervous of whatever he has to show me, I don't know if its good or bad, I have no clue of what it even could possibly be, which kind of scares me, and I just wish he was already here, so we could get this over with because I am tired of waiting, and I feel like I'm getting too much unneeded anxiety over it.

About an hour later Josh pulled up in his rusty white truck, which I was never to fond of, except when we would hang out in the back of it at drive-ins and stuff, but other than that, I thought it was just ugly, but at least he has a car, something I cant say. He had a old backpack thrown over his shoulder as he let himself in to my house and I stood up and followed him into my room.

"Okay, what is it? I've been curious all day," I blurted impatiently.

"Sh, Is your mom home?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, but she's leaving in about an hour, she has a really late shift tonight."

"Really? That's good," he crinkled his eyebrows, "Maybe..."

Josh was acting kind of weird, unlike how he usually acts, and it was kind of making me feel a little on edge.

"What is it?" I groaned, I had an idea that it was something, like a sex toy, but I really didn't know and I didn't want to guess something like that because if it wasn't that would be embarrassing.

He pulled something out of his bag, the was glass and I believe was used for drugs. "Is that for marijuana?" I asked scootching away from him slightly.

He chuckled, I probably sounded dumb to him. "It's a bowl Tyler, you smoke weed out of it, yes."

"I don't smoke anything out of it, I don't do drugs!" I stood up, backing away from him in disbelief.

"Tyler, it's not like a bad drug, It's literally natural, and its pretty much just stress reliever," he said trying to reassure me that this was okay, but I don't know if it is.

"I don't know Josh," I sighed, and sat back down next to him.

"We don't have to or anything, its up to you."

"Okay," I gestured for him to put the bowl away.

I went out to the living room to see my mom. She was sitting on the couch and looked stressed. She was hurrying to get ready by the looks of it.

"What time do you have to be to work?" I asked.

"Isn't Josh here? Why aren't you with him?"

"Sorry.." I said standing up to walk away.

"Yeah, also clean the kitchen for once please?' she said in annoyance.

I filled with anger, I already cleaned the kitchen once today, why is she acting like this? I cleaned it again and didn't say a word to her even though she was only sitting a few feet away from me in the living room. I was just happy she works late at night, it seemed to work out pretty good at times.

BY the time I was done my mom had all of her things together and was walking out the door.

"Bye Tyler, I'll see you tomorrow morning, text If you need anything. Love you bye."

"Okay, love you bye," I replied back as she left.

I went into my room were Josh was waiting for me. "I want to smoke tonight," I bluntly stated sitting on my bed next to him.

"Are you sure? We don't have to," Josh replied, I'm glad he's being nice about this, because I know he wants to smoke even if I don't.

"Yes I am sure."

"R-right now?" he asked pulling his stash out of his bag.

"Sure, why not?" I cracked open my window, which luckily for us was right by my bed so we didn't even have to move. I didn't know why I was being so cautious about it my mom wont even be home for hours, but if she caught me, I would be dead so better safe than sorry.

Josh had a ziplock baggy full of weed, I've never seen it before in person and I kind of felt like a badass right now, but I have no idea how to even smoke this, so I'm probably going to embarrass myself real quick.

"How much is that?" I asked in amazement, it looked like a lot.

"Just five grams," he said just so does that mean its not a lot? It looks like it is.

"How much did that cost?" I asked picking up the bad looking at it observingly as he got everything together and ready.

"fifty dollars."

He reached for the bag and started packing the bowl. I've never smoke anything before, so I'm not sure how this is going to work out. Josh showed me how to take a hit off the bowl, it didn't seem to hard until as soon as I barely even pressed my lips to the bowl I started choking.

"Oh yeah," he chuckled, "My first time, I drank lots of water."

I quickly stood up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a large glass of water. I chugged it as if my throat depended on it. I went back to my room where he was still smoking, I wasn't sure if I wanted to try again, but I did. I choked again but it came easier the second time, and every time after that.

I started to feel, light. I was swaying back and forth on my bed laughing to myself, but mostly keeping quiet. "How are you?" Josh asked. His words sort of just floated away.

"Tyler?" he asked again, this time I just laughed.

"Yeah?" I said giggling.

"How are you doing?" really I wasn't sure how I was feeling.

"I feel like I'm on a pirate ship Joshwa." he laughed.

I was acting so much different than him, he was kind of just there, acting pretty normal, but I couldn't stop laughing, at everything. My body was swaying back and forth I didn't really realize it, but when I did it escaped my mind immediately. Everything felt kind of choppy, and I kept saying dumb things as soon as they popped in my head. I felt like I was being annoying, but I didn't think to much about it.

"Josh do you love me?" I stated bluntly.

"of course."

I nodded my head and smiled. I felt sorry for my best friend Josh, I wish he was still just my best friend. I wish I could say those words back, but Justin is the only one who pops in my head when I say those words to him, so I decided I wouldn't say it anymore.

Maybe tomorrow I wont feel the same, but I think I still will.


Sorry for such a long wait I've been trying to write more but I don't really have a lot of time.

Please comment and let me know if you like it, or have any suggestions! Idk seeing people react with my story makes me more motivated to write.


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