Chapter Seven.

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The New Bride Copyright © JazzieBae1231 2013 

All rights reserved

This story belongs to me. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, distributipm. or selling of my work is an infrindgement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

Chapter Seven.

   "Allie! I wanted to make su--, oh you have a guest." Samantha barged in.

   "Yeah, uh," Alex slipped under Justin's arm and went to Sam, "Sam this is King Justin. King Justin this is Samantha."

   "Please. call me Justin, love. It is needed not for you to call me King for you are my beautiful Queen." He came up behind Alex and held her waist.

  AlexandraMarie's body tingled to his touch, making her stomach turn. Justin had his arms wrapped around her waisr and laid his head on her shoulder.

   "Oh, I'm sorry. How rude of me." He looked at Sam. "It's very nice to meet you, Samantha." 

   "You too. So, you're the one who whooed my sister into marrying you?"

   "Uh, sister? I thought you were an only child?"

    "Not blood, Justin. She's my bestfriend." Alex smiled at his confusion. Justin nodded and kissed her cheek.

   Heat made contact to Alex's cheek aas it flushed. Her stomach turned and did a back flip.

   "Awww, Alex babe, you're blushing!" Sam exclaimed and pinched her cheeks.

   Justin stretched his neck to look over Alex's shoulder and smiled, chuckling at her rosey cheeks. This made Alex cover her face with her hands. Justin moved from behind her and stood infront of her, his hands still on her waist. Alex felt him pull her closer to him, her hand covered her rosey face against his hard, broad, chest. His arms tighten around her. He kissed her head. Alex felt the heat of his body and hers and this made her over heat and feel a bit dizzy,

   "Aww!" Samantha squeeled and gushed.

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