Chapter Nine.

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The New Bride Copyright © JazzieBae1231 2014 

All rights reserved

This story belongs to me. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, distribution. or selling of my work is an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

Chapter Nine.

   "Allie! Allie! Is it true? You're getting married to Justin Bieber?" A bunch of girls squelled, walking with Alex to her dorm. She has been trying to shake them off all day.

   It's been 3 days since Justin left and Alex being annoyed by a bunch of Beliebers.

   "Allie," The girl who said hi to her in the hall 5 days ago started, "How's Jerry?"

   "Who's Jerry?" Alex was confused. She know who Princess Anayis is and who Duke Christopher is. What? She may not be a fan of the royal family but she knows who rules the country. She has never heard of Jerry. Everyone gasped as if they seen a ghost as they stopped infront of Alex's door. "What?"

   "How does Jerry feel?" 

   "I don't know who that is."

   "It's the King's ... Penis." She replied.

   "Ew," Alex gagged.

   "Does he taste good?"

   "What? Ew, no. What the hell. I don't know!" Alex flushed and shook her head. "Why is IT called Jerry, anyway?"

   "'Cause Jerry is the name of the tallest man on Earth."

   "Eww, you people are wierd." Alex rushed into her dorm room.

   She stripped off her clothes and got into the shower. She felt dirty just by them thinking she came head-to-head contact with 'Jerry.' She was completely offended. 

   It will never happen, she vowed.

   She stepped out her bathroom with a towel around her and one around her hair. She then noticed something on her bed. A little box and a note. 

   Dear Alex,

      Here is out engagement ring. I picked it out, special for you, love 'tis why ir rook so long for you to receive it. I miss you <3 The raress jem for my priceless jewel. When you come down to my palace, you shall meet my sister and her husband. When you finish high school (i will be at your graduation) you will attend a one month royalty school in France. You graduate the 24th of May so the 26th you will be off to France. We will marry the 30th of June. The 25th of May you and your bridesmaids will get fitted for your gowns. Wear this ring and be proud of it for I am proud to have you wear it. I shall see you soon, my dear love.

                                                                                                                                   Goodbye for now.



    P.S; I'll call you, at 8:00 sharp so I can hear your boice. I miss you.

   AlexandraMarie smiled with rosy cheeks. She checked the time, 7:59. She did a double take as it struck 8:00 and her phone went off. 

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